Another Surefire question.......KT2 vs. SRTH?


Feb 3, 2005
Southeastern, NC
If I'm not mistaken the SRTH has a bit more throw with the N2 lamp. I'm wondering though which one do most people choose. I don't really need a whole lot of flood, as I will be carrying a G2 or something similar in addition to a 3 cell model, but any opinions/recommenedations would be greatly appreciated. This is for mainly outdoor use in large fields and deep woods. I use an ultrastinger for some applications, but i want something a bit smaller/lighter.
I like the SRTH better it is lighter and tighter, but if the light is going to get any real abuse the KT is much more durable IMO. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The SRTH is great!
While it does have a bit more throw than the KTseries, in use, their performances are pretty similar but the SRTH is a lot lighter and a bit smaller.


Actually, the SRTH may be easier to get hold of right now compared to the KT2. They are both good but for the N2 beam I prefer the SRTH.
Alright guys, I think I'll order that SRTH now. Appreciate y'all sharing the knowledge and pictures. I'll get this one for now and maybe an M3T later on. It just looks so much better compared to the others, but I like the ability of the SRTH to switch with my other lights. Anyway, thanks again.

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