Flashlight Enthusiast
In my attempts to purchase a second watch, I'm trying to cover all the bases. Just wondering if there were some nice classy analog watches out there that had a lit background you could access but pushing a button.
Kilovolt said:There is surely the Victorinox Watch (the pocket knife Swiss people) that has an LED illuminated dial:
I don't know if it is sold in the US but it should not be difficult to find it out.
Wenger is "the other" Swiss manufacturer of pocket knifes and they also make watches. To my knowledge they don't have any type with an illuminated dial so in principle they should not be included in this discussion.geepondy said:Hey a question I'll ask here rather then start yet another thread. Several recommendations for the Victorinox watch. On the Internet, I also see Wenger swiss army type watches. Are they two different companies and is one considered superior over the other in their watch products?