Any experience with memory foam matrress toppers?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
Like this one here from BJs? Do you think they will make a difference in prolonging the life of a lumpy older mattress or do you think they are too thin to do any good, meaning you have to buy a whole memory foam mattress to make any difference.
I bought one about two years ago and it does seem to make things somewhat better. My idea was the same as yours-extend the life of my 30-year old mattress until the price of the memory foam mattresses drops to something reasonable. So far, so good although the pad did yellow over time on the side that was exposed to air.
I have one like that and I like it.

But if you do some research you will find that they need to be used on an already good matress. They don't work well as a fix for an old lumpy matress.

Oh No. I just hit 100 posts and now everyone will think I am a Flashaholic. I have crossed a line and can never go back.
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Like this one here from BJs? Do you think they will make a difference in prolonging the life of a lumpy older mattress or do you think they are too thin to do any good, meaning you have to buy a whole memory foam mattress to make any difference.

we spend 1/3 of our life in bed = 30 years.

dont cheat yourself, quality sleep is very important to our overall health.

get the best bed you can, even if you pay for it $10 a month for life.

you wont regret it.

tempurpedic is THE BEST but some people cant use them because they are a little warm to sleep on.

i have a tempurpedic, and i love it.

if you are generally 'too hot' at night, probably best to get a quality spring bed, but if you like to be warm at night go tempurpedic.
My wife and I had a foam topper for a few years, and it was okay. Aside from the top of the bed being a little softer, it was hard to tell much difference.

I'd say about six months ago we got a real memory foam mattress. I don't recall the brand, I want to say it's a Sealy, or maybe a Serta. The difference is incredible. I could write a whole post on how great they are, but you won't really understand until you try one for yourself. It took me about a week and a half to get used to sleeping on it. The way it supports your body is different from a traditional mattress. It's more of a full type of support, but also completely independent from anyone else on the bed. One night I was asleep, and didn't notice that the dog (85 pound Lab mix) had joined us in the bed until I rolled over and my leg hit him. Freaked me out. :crackup:
Nothing better than laying down after a long day at work/gym and plopping down on a nice memory foam bed. I had a super firm mattress which I topped with a costco memory foam topper, I swear I could feel the relief and relaxation of every single one of my vertabrae.

My next bed will be a full memory foam
We got one and I love it. Ours is about 4 inches thick, and I had read at the time that you need at least 4 inches for it to work well. If it's only an inch or two it may only be so-so.
Ours has a memory foam topper built in. Probably 3-4 inches. I think it would be better if the underlying mattress was firmer. It is very comfortable like it is though.
yup - I have three of them on top of 6-8" futons - guest bed, my bed, and camper/trailer regular bed.
Love 'em!

THICKER is better - don't scrimp on the cheapo-on sale versions - get 3-4 inch minimum for maximum benefit.

one day I too will get a tempur bed
I have the TempuPedic, basic 8" model and I find it too firm, so am using a 2" foam pad on it that we have had for a few years. I think that I need a medium weight 2" new foam pad of a better quality.
