Any interest in a Chicago/Indianapolis area meetup??

Any idea on dates? With winter around the corner, getting there might be a trick! :) Of course it's always sunny and warm in Chicago!
I wanted to guage interest before I set dates - Painesville's a little while away from here, though!! You're more than welcome if we set something up though :)
Chicago guy checkin' in! :thumbsup: I've been wanting to do something similar, but my laziness got in the way! :tinfoil:

:wave: john
Bump! Any other Chicago-area CPF'ers?

I'm from the Northwest suburbs, only ~5 miles away from Woodfield mall.

The only other local I know is a new CPF member whom I met with in person to pick up one of the $19.81 Sams Club HID spotlights.

I think a GTG sometime over the summer would be pretty fun.
I'll have to bookmark this one. I took a job at Midway Airport and will be up there every weekend. I'll find time to make it.