Any light as small as ARC AAA, but brighter?


Oct 31, 2006
I am looking for an new EDC to replace my Arc AAA light. Are there any lights out there that are the same small size using a single AAA, but brighter? I am grateful for any advice CPF members can provide.
Plenty. But it depends on your budget and what generation of Arc AAA you have. If its an older non-CS AAA, then you can beat it quite easily and for cheap. If its the newer style with a CS LED, then it'll cost you a little more. Also, budget wise, we're looking at $20-$200. There are some expensive toys in this size.
I own the lastest Arc AAA Premium with the Nichia CS. Thanks to CPF, I am a flashaholic, so of course I am impelled to spend whatever it takes.
get a miller mods ARC AAA two stage cree mod using real ARC AAA parts.

since you've already got a current gen ARC AAA. all you need is the modded head.

it's the slickest ARC AAA mod I've seen so far. uses std AAA alk cell or NMH cell. EXCELLENT output.

low beam puts out a good bit of light. high beam will amaze! but pick the lower current option for high beam.
Millermods got a new job and is moving. Also with the large # of preorders it might take some time to get one of his mods.

If you are in a hurry take a look at the Fenix line.

The E1 has a bright but tiny hotspot, fairly ringy beam. Here is a beamshot by MacTech. Use the Dorcy AAA whose beam is similar to an old Arc for reference.
Flashlight reviews link

The L0D-CE is the top of the line multi-mode with the new Cree XRE LED. Again use the Dorcy AAA gen 1 for reference.
Full review
Flashlight reviews link

Here is a review of a whole bunch of little lights. Both old & new Arcs and the Fenix E1here.

There is also the Huntlight AAA. Both lux and SSC versions. Don't know much about them.

And the user programmable Liteflux LF2

There is a lot of cheaper lights such as the Nuwai TM310H and the 0.5W lights from Advanced Mart but if you are used to the solid construction of the Arc you may not like them.
The Draco is one awesome, small, bright light! I don't thing there is anything brighter out there for the size... :)
This is a very easy question to answer. The Arc AAA is the dimmest AAA light I've ever seen so ANY other AAA light is going to be brighter (unless maybe if the light was made before the Arc came out).
when ARC AAA was introduced... it had one of the world's best, if not the best form factor.

now fast forward a few years, ARC AAA still has one of the best form factors of any light. it's still plenty bright to do what it was designed to do.

but lots of advances have been made in LED technology since ARC AAA was introduced.

miller mods two stage Cree mod merges ARC AAA's world class form factor with current state of the art LED technology. IMHO it's hands down, best AAA light that I'm aware of. too bad it may be a little tuffer to get real soon....

arc aaa lop.JPG

Mike89 said:
This is a very easy question to answer. The Arc AAA is the dimmest AAA light I've ever seen so ANY other AAA light is going to be brighter (unless maybe if the light was made before the Arc came out).
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I purchased a modified ARC AAA from Coyote.
Well, here is the info Coyote sent me:

Shifted - Lux1 SXOH single-stage running at 350mA constant current (1 watt at the emitter). Custom modified by flashlight maker Shiftd, it has a full-flood beam with a lightly frosted LED to soften the beam even further. Price: $90
Hopefully you'll like it. I had an ARC AAA modded by LED_ASAP. It had a slightly greenish (which I prefer) Lux I and a small partial dome optic. I think it pulled about 400mA from an NiMH cell so maybe 300mA to the LED. It put out about the same amount of light as an Inova X5, but with about twice the throw. I think mine was a Q-bin so your S-bin might even be three times as bright considering the more effecient LED and the higher drive level.
cratz2 said:
...I think it pulled about 400mA from an NiMH cell so maybe 300mA to the LED....


1.2V x 0.4A = 0.48 Watts
3.4V x 0.3A = 1.02 Watts

100% x 1.02/.48 = 213% efficiency. Nice! (how do they do that?) ;)

A number of AAA lights have been brought up here. Which of them are actually the same size or smaller than ARC? The Fenixes (Feni?) are nice - but they're bigger, right?
brickbat said:
100% x 1.02/.48 = 213% efficiency. Nice! (how do they do that?)

The Fenixes (Feni?) are nice - but they're bigger, right?

Lol..... Feni?! Yes, I had a AAA Fenix, but it was slightly too big for my pocket. Besides, I know for a fact that Fenix cannot achieve the 213% efficiency I'll be getting.

Actually, some of the modified Arc AAA are two-stage, and he may have been referring to a reading from the low-stage.
My Fenix EO is not as bright as the ARC AAA.

The Peak Matterhorn 3LED AAA is about the same size, and a bit brighter with better throw in ultra. It is less expensive and slightly shorter in a pocket version. It is .2" longer in lug for a keychain.
My E0 seems to have a slight edge over the old Arc AAA in brightness. I'm guessing the cheapest, but still good, AAA light that beats the new Arc would be the Fenix E1. It won't give quite the runtime, however.
