Any Long Islanders interested in a small gathering?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Long Island, NY
Something easy and simple for this year to start things off. One day/night only. Open to suggestions for a good location, and will look for one as well. Nassau, Suffolk... both fine.

Of course, anyone from the city area, tri-state, or anywhere else is also welcome. Let's show the Montauk lighthouse it ain't got nothing on us!
"Do it by yourself, and you're weird. Do it with others, and it's a club"

Just need at least one other person!... lol.

I'm thinking of giving a name to whatever happens. First idea is to call it the "LILCO Meet", named after the previous power authority, the Long Island Lighting Company. I think some local flashaholics getting together and calling ourselves LILCO is just too amusing to pass up.
You and Roger attending would be AWESOME. We'll apply a few hundred Watts of incandescent heat therapy for the back. Just yell "OSRAM!" and we'll stop.

No rush, and plenty of time for post-op recovery. The way life is, this may take a while to get going, but that should benefit the end result. I'll be able to devote more time to finding a good location by the end of this week into next week.
We can hold it at the Amityville horror house since they just sold it
LOL... we'd be hated by neighbors and demons alike.

So, coming up with a location is turning out to be harder than hoped for when I posted this thread. State and county parks are basically out. Beaches... out. Stargazing permit isn't really suitable, especially since the supernovas will be us. Campgrounds... probably too complicated/costly for a simple meet that's not expected to go 'till morning? Not completely out of the realm of possibility though.

Trying to think of other, somewhat wacky ideas that probably won't work out, but will look into anyway. This may come down to needing some private property.

Anyone have a big back yard?... haha. I'll seriously bring home made food and outdoor cooking ability. My chili was well received at FCW '18 in PA, so I ain't just talkin'. Will also have extra beer. :sssh: