Any New 18650 Flashlights Being Sold These Days?



contrast a Zebra with Anduril:

in a Zebra, if I have the light programmed to fill all three separate mode groups, each with 3 primary and 3 secondary modes, and then I hand the light to an untrained user, they wont have any idea which modes are in which group. In fact,, I would also forget and it would take quite a while to explain the use of the light to an untrained user.

otoh, If I set my Anduril light to use 12 modes, they are all available to scroll through, in order. I can hand the light to an untrained user and with a simple instruction, of "hold the button down until you get the amount of light you want".. they can access any of the 12 modes.

The advantage of a Zebra is that it has longer runtime. The advantage of Anduril is the simplicity of operation.

Well I would really just need the three main modes most of the time unless something really special came up, so the Zebra with main programming would fit the bill for me. Sounds really nice.
I see some similar lights on Amazon too now.
Give some typical person a light with "just" three modes and

The Zebra is a good idea.
Press and hold for low -> med -> high
release when needed level is reached.
... very easy to learn

Double click for switching between the 2 options for the level used.
... slightly advanced

Finally programming these 6 possibilities for one's individual taste is advanced "programming" (push, push, hold, release of the lights on/off button), but also doable quite quickly.

... for a real disaster light, the electronic switch is not perfect - but Zebras parts all seem to be top notch and there was no mentionning yet of a light with increased drag at the switch.

And the lows are really low
All valid points from slider.

Last mode memory is something not worth incorporating into routine for me. Other than occasional full blasts to find a dog or comprehend some sound, something like 98% of the time, light levels for dog walking and home navigation are at the lowest Emisar/Anduril settings, or slightly above. Night adapted eyesight for fluid transfer missions in the darkest hours are easily handled by the switch glow; no blind searching for the tool, no fumbling for switches, no preplanning last mode stuff.

We do live in the golden age of handy portable illumination; the quality of light from contemporary LED's works well for most, thinking.
Have to be honest, I like last mode memory on flashlights. (Assuming that feature actually works.) On some, it doesn't. But how many of us have passed on lights we were really interested in, because our favorite/most useful setting was not the very first one that THAT particular model switched on in?
how many of us have passed on lights we were really interested in, because our favorite/most useful setting was not the very first one that THAT particular model switched on in?
I used to pass on lights that did not have a low enough minimum. I would also pass on lights that had too big a jump from Low to Medium... and on lights that did not have a high enough output, or even lights that had Too high an output.

with Anduril the minimum output is no longer a problem.. It has lower lows than most lights and equally as low as a Zebralight.

It is also not a problem that some brightness steps are too far apart. With Anduril we can make the mode spacing as narrow as we please.

And for people that do or do not want Last mode memory, it can be set to allways start at any brightness we want. Or to always remember the last output it was turned off at..

there are no output limits, no mode spacing limits, no memory style limits..

And in addition to the typical stepped modes, Anduril also has a smooth ramping mode option, that works like a light dimmer, or like an HDS Rotary...

For people that like a basic Surefire two mode light.. Anduril can do that too.

Anduril is the one UI to rule them all.. LOL!
I used to pass on lights that did not have a low enough minimum. I would also pass on lights that had too big a jump from Low to Medium... and on lights that did not have a high enough output, or even lights that had Too high an output.

with Anduril the minimum output is no longer a problem.. It has lower lows than most lights and equally as low as a Zebralight.

It is also not a problem that some brightness steps are too far apart. With Anduril we can make the mode spacing as narrow as we please.

And for people that do or do not want Last mode memory, it can be set to allways start at any brightness we want. Or to always remember the last output it was turned off at..

there are no output limits, no mode spacing limits, no memory style limits..

And in addition to the typical stepped modes, Anduril also has a smooth ramping mode option, that works like a light dimmer, or like an HDS Rotary...

For people that like a basic Surefire two mode light.. Anduril can do that too.

Anduril is the one UI to rule them all.. LOL!


Andruril, for people that use their flashlights to PLAY with, NOT for work/real world use

I've tried so hard NOT to comment on this thread, but this just pushed me over the edge

Sorry, I know that for some of you Anduril is FUN to PLAY with

But, for me at least, that is ALL that it's good for

That is IF I used my flashlights to PLAY with, which I don't

I feel better now, so I'll move along

Sorry, and thank you for allowing me to rant!
Amazing points about Anduril (2?), in addition to the convenient ways one can be informed about the current voltage in the flashlight.

Once again though, if you are like me (sometimes electronics go janky in a peculiar way) Anduril will change settings, or otherwise annoy. Just wondering how many people this happens with. I use flashlights a lot, and think that may be a factor.

Other electro magnetic devices have wanked out before as well. Rare, Cold nights Zebralights have let me down. I wore out a ZL SC-62d, sent it back for repair, and now it has a sporadic disfunction, making it totally unreliable for field use. Happens rarely, but nerve racking for a vital tool.
Anduril will change settings, or otherwise annoy. Just wondering how many people this happens with.
the one thing that goes wrong for me with Anduril 2, is that sometimes I mistakenly clic 5 times from Off. This puts the light in momentary mode, and to get out I must disconnect the battery.

But I have not had the light forget any of its settings.. unless I intentionally do a factory reset (13H from off)...

I will be happy to help figure out if there is something you are doing that causes your light to forget its settings.. can you share any details?
Thanks slider. You have read previously about the lack of blue light on the RGB switch shortly after I received a new Emisar. After a few weeks it has been working. There have been times when the switch configuration goes to a previous choice.

The early Lumintop models I had would go disfunctional in the field, not providing reliable output. It seems they got better, or I stopped using them regularly, only at home for area lighting.

I remember a lousy switch on an early model; tried to fix it but ended up breaking a battery spring.

I wrote about the storm disabling my 'precious' a couple months ago. It has been working since, however.

CPF member RWT1405 is not alone in his opinion as to the real-world usefulness of Anduril. Thinking for some, it is a matter of simply not liking the procedure, and not giving it enough time to let it become second nature.

Some of those two-switch user interface flashlights had that same result for some, but it is handy once a person has trained with it enough.

I think others who are sour on Anduril may have experienced inconsistent results with button pushing, then wasted time trying to figure out what went wrong, giving up,

One definitely needs to be mindful of multiple pressing of the switch.
I prefer the single 18650 cell types, with hopefully LOW MED HIGH, but would put up with just two modes LOW and HIGH.
I'd say either 5000k or 6500k or in between.
Also take a look at the Streamlight Polytac X. Low, Medium, High with a nice white beam in a pretty indestructible 18650 host.
Thanks slider. You have read previously about the lack of blue light on the RGB switch shortly after I received a new Emisar. After a few weeks it has been working. There have been times when the switch configuration goes to a previous choice.

The early Lumintop models I had would go disfunctional in the field, not providing reliable output. It seems they got better, or I stopped using them regularly, only at home for area lighting.

I remember a lousy switch on an early model; tried to fix it but ended up breaking a battery spring.

I wrote about the storm disabling my 'precious' a couple months ago. It has been working since, however.

CPF member RWT1405 is not alone in his opinion as to the real-world usefulness of Anduril. Thinking for some, it is a matter of simply not liking the procedure, and not giving it enough time to let it become second nature.

Some of those two-switch user interface flashlights had that same result for some, but it is handy once a person has trained with it enough.

I think others who are sour on Anduril may have experienced inconsistent results with button pushing, then wasted time trying to figure out what went wrong, giving up,

One definitely needs to be mindful of multiple pressing of the switch.
Also take a look at the Streamlight Polytac X. Low, Medium, High with a nice white beam in a pretty indestructible 18650 host.

As long as it has a very low setting too I would be interested.
Probably not low enough for you then at 35 lumens. The spacing is 35/260/600.


Yeah, it's hard to imagine without seeing it, and it's more about the current draw than the light output because the main idea is to have at least some light in a total blackout, and it has to last long, say 5 days constantly on.

I've found that even the smallest of light outputs can help because in total darkness the eyes quickly adjust to even very low level lighting. I think my rigged up light source I was using for that only draws around 1ma or something.