Any pics of Z2 combatlight w/ A19 batt. extender?


Feb 3, 2005
Southeastern, NC
I have the Z2 and was debating upgrading it to this for the interchange feature or just buying a C3. I was wondering how it looking and if it was practical at all? Any info. would be great along with any pics too. Thanks.
Re: Any pics of Z2 combatlight w/ A19 batt. extend

Don't have a pic, sorry, but I used an A19 on my C2 off and on with a P90 until I bought a Z3. The Z2+A19+P90 (or P91) will be fine. The Surefire/Rogers shooting technique using the "combat grip body" of the Z2 won't work if you intend to use the light alongside a handgun, but other than that, it'll work great.

I keep my C2 on me, and an A19, extra batts, P90, misc accessories in a zippered pouch in my briefcase (The Z3 pulls nightstand/house duty). If I'm stuck somewhere and need extra light, I swap out the lamp and A19 and extra batteries for the 9V setup and am good to go.

[I mark my SF batteries with a Sharpie as "2" or "3" so I use them up as a set. If I keep 3 batteries for P90 usage, I have those all marked with a "3" take the original 2 out of my 6V light (they're usually marked with the date I installed them), put them aside, and use all 3 of the "3-cell" lights together.)]
Re: Any pics of Z2 combatlight w/ A19 batt. extend

Thanks sween1911, I think I'll go that route. Appreciate the advice with the batteries. I've ordered my A19, now just gotta decide between the KT2 or the SRTH. Then maybe a C3 for the reasons you mentioned aove. Oh man, the list goes on and on.
Re: Any pics of Z2 combatlight w/ A19 batt. extend

Took a picture for you.
Re: Any pics of Z2 combatlight w/ A19 batt. extend

hey sween, that battery marking is a great idea...never woulda thought of it, either that or i was too lazy to mark them. I was wondering why my cells were going dead so fast.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif
Re: Any pics of Z2 combatlight w/ A19 batt. extend

Hey Sween1911, If you get 2 Pila 150s rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and a Pila charger, you can use those in place of the 3 SF123 batteries in your 3 cell configuration. Get 2 more for backup and you've got guilt-free lumens with almost the same battery storage life with the Pilas as with the disposable lithiums. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Any pics of Z2 combatlight w/ A19 batt. extend


I know, I know. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif I've been drooling over the whole rechargable idea for quite some time.


I never thought of it until I found myself with a sandwich bag full of lithiums in my go-bag, some good, some half dead, and I said "This is going to get expensive really fast". /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif Also helps track the ones that are too far gone to use with my incans, but will work nicely in the Inova X5T until they're truly dead.
Re: Any pics of Z2 combatlight w/ A19 batt. extend

sween, totally agreed. I love LED's, they still power up fully even though the 123's on a M3T for example wont even light up.

Now im looking for a SF hurricane to drain the 123's even further /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Any pics of Z2 combatlight w/ A19 batt. extend

I tape pairs of groups of 3 batteries together so there is no risk of mixing them later. Besides, a single battery stick is much easier and faster to load into lights than seperate cells. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif