Any updates on the upcoming Surefire LS lights


Apr 10, 2001
Thunder Bay, Ontario
I am surprised that there is not any more information on the upcoming Surefire LS lights. Other than some speculation from other threads, I can't find any info about these lights. Perhaps I am not looking at the right place, but I can't seem to find information on the Surefire web site. I wish that Surefire would share their ideas and models like Mr. Gransee, and to a lesser degree, Mr. Eternalight. It is a shame that there isn't any more factual data out there on these lights.
From what I have seen, SureFire used the marketing strategy of announcing a new product when it is barely into the prototype stage. There's nothing wrong with this, as it generates interest in their products. The point I object to is that the *time* from announcement to availability is excessively long, leading to customer frustration. They should announce a timeline, even if it's approximate.

SureFire hasn't even settled on the basic design of some of their LED lights, much less being close to producing beta test models.

I don't think we are going to be seeing SureFire LED flashlights anytime soon, although I would be happy to be wrong on this point.

How long has it been since SureFire announced the reduced output lamp for the E2?

This is a sore point with me, as I placed an order for one about 6 months ago, with the promise that it would ship in about 2 weeks!

I have a word that I use for people who make promises they have no way of keeping, but I'll spare you.

A company with the enormous resources that SureFire has likely has the capability to set a reasonable timeline for prototype to production; but they don't seem to want to do that, preferring to announce products that are so far from production that it's fairly irresponsible to even announce them, since the production units may have very little resemblance to the prototypes.

There is noting wrong with making significant improvements in prototypes and beta test units. But SureFire does this under a tight blanket of security, as though some other manufacturer could steal their ideas, and get them into production before SureFire can. Yeah, right!

Likely, I am severely spoiled by the open door policy Arc Flashlight has when it comes to their product development. When there is a delay, Peter tells us why; and shows us pictures, etc.

Obviously, SureFire and Arc Flashlight are very different operations, but I think it's pretty poor for SureFire to show prototypes of new products at the SHOT show, knowing full well that production is a very long ways off; if indeed the production units are the same, or similar to the prototypes.

End of rant; flame away....
Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot to tell about the new SF lights. At Shot 2002, the "offical delivery " for the new lights was Summer 2002 ( In my mind, that translates to 4 to 7 months... Feb to June = 4 months.... Feb to Sept = 7 months.

The other question is that of Price $$$, and I tried to get that out of PK two weeks ago; his reply was that pricing is a marketing issue, not engineeering......

The "roll out" will be in this order:
KL1,KL2 and KL3 LED Bezels
followed by the
L1 and L2...
C2D and M2D
last, AVIATOR A2*

The AVIATOR has been in the works over 2 1/2 years, and just within the last month has undergone a major modification. No longer will the bezel be 1.00 inches. Instead, it will be 1.125 (1 1/8), an in between size. the 6p,m2 etc are 1.25 (1 1/4). This modification was necessary for 5mm LED's instead of the 3mm (original concept). PK also said he was trying to shorten the light. With the bezel, digital circuit, body, and two position switch he thinks it's too long.

The other "sore" subject is the LOLA for the E2 (25 lumens?). Well, SF doesn't want to give any delivery dates because of the fiasco last year. Pk said "very soon". When I ask him to define "very soon", he showed me the LOLA and said " the final design was approved, beta testing was complete, and the initial production also approved, so now, SF is waiting for stocking inventory (YEAH). Translatiion: 30 days ????