Anybody else get a free Surefire 2003 calendar?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 27, 2001
Got a REALLY nice 2003 calendar in the mail today. Awesome pics of lights and lights on weapons. I don't know what I did to get it but I like it!
Damn! I'm jealous. Guess I could go check my mail, but that would be setting myself up for disappointment. You don't know what you did to get it? Maybe you've ordered directly from Surefire in the past? I'm on the e-mail list, but don't remember if I gave them my address, and I've never ordered directly.
Originally posted by Sean:
I haven't even received the 2002 catalog that I ordered yet.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Same here. And I ordered the catalog a while ago.
Hmmmm... My first thought about calendar was ladies in Swimsuits holding flashlights
, that would be neat and would definetly help keep our minds off the price increase

It took my SF catalogs two weeks to arrive so do not give up on them (unless it's been four weeks or something ridiculous like that). No surprise calendar for me either

Hey Marty! Did you see the former miss universe in police clothing?
Please arrest me!
Oooh! Handcuffs? yeah yeah !!! he he he
yeah, it took me a month (up to the point where i forget the whereabout of the catalog). So, keep your expectation good, don't be too high though as you might get dissapointed
Originally posted by this_is_nascar:
I'm pissed now. All the thousands of dollars I spend on SureFire products and I didn't get squat.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">:werd:
I ordered a couple of 2002 catalogs way back when they first came out, and never received them. I eventually got one from another CPF member...

The delay makes me suspect that I'll receive a "2003" catalog -- the delay being the time it takes to get big "2003" stickers to cover the 2002 on this year's catalog.
Just got mine yesterday. I can accredit it to either a direct order from SureFire at the beginning of last month, a recent return of a tip-off beam filter, or filling out an application for a 2002 catalog. Anyway, the pictures are pretty cool.

Haven't gotten my catalog yet though.
I just got mine, and though I admire the imaginative photography, my favorite photos are those in the beginning that display all those beautiful lights in almost 3D detail.

PS: I don't ever expect to see that "2003" catalog
