Anyone ever seen this L.E.D. Light before???


Aug 20, 2002
I got interested in l.e.d. flashlights years and years ago when I walked into a Sharper Image store. They had a TINY l.e.d. flashlight for sale that had a single large red l.e.d. in it. I still have it actually. It's only an inch and a half long and takes a single Duracell DL1/3N Lithium 3 volt button cell. And it has a pretty thick titanium band around the outside of the flashlight to make it bulletproof. I was amazed when I first saw it and couldn't believe it.
shocked.gif bulb to burn out....lithium battery with a 10 year shelf life and can work even when cold. Plus a long run time on a single battery to boot. And the little sucker could shine a fairly bright beam (well...was considered bright at the time) clear across a room.

Admittedly, when compared to current l.e.d. flashlights, the beam quality on this one doesn't seem so great now (rings and dark spots) but I bought this little guy years and years ago when they were pretty much unheard of in the common marketplace and for something this tiny and reliable, a splotchy beam was acceptable. I mean, this little thing fits easily on a keyring and is smaller than most of my keys. I can't remember what the light is called or who made it so thought I'd ask all of you knowledgeable people.

I just bought a new battery for the little you would still works like a charm.

By the my signoff picture below annoying and aggravating??? I liked it but thought it would be smaller in my posts. Let me know and I might consider removing it.

Dan out
I like it! It might look nice if, yes, it was a little smaller and it would look awesome if you could make the background transparent so that when you happen to get a blue background on your posts (Aprox. 50% of the time) it will look, well, nicer.
I think your signoff picture is kinda cool, but it's starting to creep me out. I don't know why.
I agree. Smaller would be nice, but I don't think I can make it any smaller. If anyone has an idea on how to do this, please let me know. And don't worry about it Spudman.....I tend to creep people out in general.
Making it transparent is easy enough. Making it smaller would screw up the ASCII characters it was made with. I'll TRY to extract all the components and resize them, but I can't guarantee the results. For the moment, here's the regular sized, transparent version.


(Pulled from server due to dwindling space).


The other mini-version is better, so i pulled this one too.

As for your LED flashlight, is there any way you can provide a picture or two of it?
how can you make it walk? I save the file, but when opennig it, it doesn't move.

Very cool indeed.

Gotta open it in something that will play animated gifs, like internet explorer.
Hey Craig,

Thanks for re-doing my little walking man for me. You are da man. I've copied them so feel free to delete them off your server. One question....did you happen to try it at different sizes (like 75 percent) to see how it looked. The 50 percent is no good but I'm just afraid that the full size version might annoy some people. If you didn't...don't worry big deal....and you've done enough already.

Also, ake, please be aware that this is my proprietary graphic and is protected by American and International copyright laws. To use the graphic please send me tenny seven trillion dollars in large marked bills.
I'm kidding of course. Feel free to download it and have fun.

Don't know if it would help you out ake, but let me know if you would like me to email you a copy of it. Maybe that will allow you to open up the moving version.

And Craig, unfortunately I don't have a picture of my little red l.e.d. light. I figured you might want to see a pic of it. I don't have a digital camera but I'll try to get a picture of it for you in the week or two. I did some searching on the internet for it but came up empty.

I'll try to describe it a little better. The actual light itself is one and a half inches long. Has a very large single red l.e.d. and takes the button battery mentioned in my earlier post. It's primarily black plastic but has a fairly thick actual titanium sleeve (natural titanium color) wrapped around the body of it. The only black plastic left showing is on the head and the very tail end of the light.

Sticking out the "butt" of the flashlight for an additional 2 centimeters is a stainless steel bar with a keychain hole at the end. This "bar" has a single hinge in it and is about 1/2 a centimeter in diameter. Light can be turned on momentarily by pressing the bar into the flashlight. Or has a constant on feature activated by rotating the whole flashlight while you hold onto your keychain (and the little steel bar remains stationary). This is, in effect, simply twisting the litte steel bar while the flashlight remains stationary, but it's kind of hard to do that unless it's attached to a keychain, since the little bar is pretty small and smoothly polished.

Hope that description makes sense. It did in my head but when I go back and read it, I kinda go "Huh?".

Dan out
Originally posted by treek13:
His version has very nice resolution for its size. If you could combine his little one with Craig's transparent background, I think you would really have something.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I wouldn't mind fixing this version either, but I probably won't get a chance until morning. Then again, if I get a free 10 minutes floating by sometime tonight, I'll do it then.


(Done.) Takes less time than altering the other parameters because you don't have to extract and then reassemble all the components.
Thanks Craig. I really appreciate it. I know you don't have, like, a billion other things you should be doing.
No big hurry since I already shrunk it down so it would be less annoying to people.

And I promise, this will be the last time I ever bother you for anything (at least until the next time).

Additional comment: Holy Crap Craig. You about got that done before I was even able to reply to you. You don't happen to wear a blue and red costume under your clothes along with a big red cape do you?

I'm done with it Craig. Feel free to delete your copy and thanks very much for all of your help.
Originally posted by Cutter:

Additional comment: Holy Crap Craig. You about got that done before I was even able to reply to you. You don't happen to wear a blue and red costume under your clothes along with a big red cape do you?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Funny you should bring that up. I had a dream the other night where I had such attire. But no, in real life my wardrobe consists of shorts and t-shirts with the arms cut off. Real trashy, and not a cape to be found.

You're more than welcome btw. I try to help whenever possible, if it's something I'm actually equipped to do - whether its fishing a dropped flashlight out of the toilet, ID'ing an LED, or fixing up a misbehaving .GIF.
What you refer to as Real trashy Craig, I refer to as Reeeeaaallll Comfortable.

And I promise....if I ever drop a flashlight down the toilet, I won't ask you to come fish it out for me.