Anyone get the OP reflector for the UltraFire Rebel R1?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2005
Outside the Matrix
I just got mine today from and unfortunately it doesn't fit. I'm wondering if they are all like this or if mine just got missed in the final shaving. I was actually impressed with the precision I saw when taking the R1 apart for it's new reflector but then realized the bevel on the back of this OP reflector needed to be shaved off a bit more if it was going to fit down over that tiny Rebel LED. I can probably do this myself with a sander but it's going to be a PITA to do it right. I'll try to post a pic showing the difference tomorrow. This is a cool little light and I don't mind the artifacts that much as it gets incredible throw but I'd like to see what it looks like with the OP in there. If you got one and got it installed okay I'd be thrilled to see a beam shot :candle:
Man, you shouldn't have to go through that much hassle, especially since they almost immediately realized the smooth reflector had artificts issues and stopped shipping the light with it. I'd suggest telling them to send you one with the orangepeel right away. It shouldn't be up to the customer to re-engineer their mistake. I have one with the orangepeel (R2-same except for side clicky) and the beam is great.