anyone have one of these?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pappasom:
This sounds interesting, a nice covert ops kind of light if you need that sort of thing.

BTW: does anyone know if a "regular" white led like a Nichia outputs a significant amount of infrared?

An ordinary white LED will produce NO measureable output below around 200,000 Angstroms (20,000nm).
When severely overdriven, some very long IR will be produced. The radiant output power will be fairly low, like a 250 square micron section of a Nichrome electric range burner set to "low".

The spectrum of a properly driven "white" LED will typically range between 450 and 640nm, with very minor emission at each end.
After reading the web page, it sounds suspiciously like either a RGB LED with a selectable IR LED or a combination of a white, green, blue and IR LEDS that are on a selectable circuits (selected by a combination of reversing the battery polarity and rotating the bezel between certain contact limits). <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> The patented Phantom flashlight has four possible modes: "Phantom white® mode, pure infrared mode, NVIS green mode, and cobalt blue low mode. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Thanks, that's good to know. I use a covert white photon with 1-2032 batt for my low-level dark adapted light and I'd hate to think my night vision equipped neighbors can spy on me.
I read somewhere in there that it acts like a "reverse prism" so it must shoot seperate red, green and blue led's into some kind of mixer. I wonder what kind of beam you'd get with something like that

I wonder about the claim that the white light won't blind another set of NVG's, and that it won't stand out on them. I thought that NVG's worked off light amplification and not just to IR. Do chem lights (Cyalume) give off a lot of IR? I know (from experience) that those will stand out like a lighthouse beacon on NVG's. I assume that they do, since there are IR chemlights.