Anyone heard of Nordic torch?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 22, 2001
Graham, NC
On Ebay
That model "carries a spare bulb in the *head* ??"

phred, if that's your bid, then could you bid for 2 more, and then re-ship them to me ?
I'd pay you all costs by PayPal.

Not totally relevant, or even that helpful, but I found this -

Topic: Former Kel-Lite now known as Nordic-Lite? @

I'm sure that there was another mention of "Nordic" some time ago, but despite searching, I couldn't find it.

Lightlover. What colour? Something odd here. This caryperterson seller has what looks to be the same torch for two different prices. Also see the 3D torch. 3C 2D higher price
Nordic lights are manufactured in Asia and the Company is based out of Salt Lake City (a Mormon Company)..... My unnderstanding is that they are going out of business, they were a publicly traded company called Dynatec International - if you go to the website - it is shut down and says that it is now

BTW - they have made aluminum flashlites longer than Mag and yes they were the original Kel-lite
phred, thanks a bunch

I'll mail you with my details.

I'm a bit unsure about the options, originally I thought that there was only a blue 2AA available. The silver 2AA is the more expensive version, correct ? And for those prices, I'll go for the 3D too, which seems to be available only in black.

Incidentally, from my aged memory, I'm 99% sure that the actual Kel-Lite was a slightly different style from the separate design "Nordic-Lite". Could someone who knows the "original Kel-Lite" of the 1960-70's compare the 3D's image on e-bay and confirm please ?

Kel-lite became/was taken over (however you wish to say) by the Nordic name in 1968. In fact, over the last couple of years, tried to reintroduce the Kel-lite name, but with little success.

I beleive the Nordic lights are of reasonable design and the quality in decent -I actually kind of like the styling.

For those on the east coast, ****s sporting goods is selling the Nordic 2AA at the counter for $4.95.
KT, tell me what your true occupation and job title is, without the "Maharajah of the 2nd linen cupboard" obfuscations, and I'll tell you !

Basically, the 2AA's are dirt cheap, and could possibly be used for a project I have in mind.

I love the Mag-Lite 3D, and if this is the genuine old 3D Kel-Lite, it was the precursor to that design. I believe that Mr. Maglica himself attested to finding some inspiration there. So, I'd like to examine the design closely.

Plus, I really need another 3D torch ......

I would hope that Mr. Maglica would attest to that, as I understand, Don Keller(Kel-lite inventor), is under Mag's employ........
Jahn. Let me know what you want. I'm going to bid on one blue and one silver AA. BTW, KT is a cop, most likly street, in a supervisory role. eg; Sgt, Lt, Cptn. One of our great Men in Blue. Let him keep his mystery.
If anyone is interested in the Nordic's they should check out their local Big Lot's store.
They have an interesting array of them.
They also have a knock-off of an old Ever-ready flashlight.(right down to the breakable glass lens<g>).
Hey Light-Lover; I'm including a AA nordic one in your package. It includes a flexible extension.
I hope you don't mind black.

Do you have a Nodic 2AA? I've found some on the web ranging $21-$27. Expensive...Are they good? For LS upgrade??


PS Thanks for the ASP catalog. I've now got an internal focused Triad. I love it.
If you want a Nordic get em' while they last...My brother worked for the company but was laid off (Graphics department...first to go, first to be rehired, the guy above him had been laid off and rehired by them about 5 times, but anyway)

The company had in fact now gone out of buisness, they were going to be the official flashlight of the Olympics, but guess what...I did not see many lights durring the olympics...

Dynatec, the place that went out of buisness, also made other odds and ends like silverware things for your kitchen drawers, so they might have sold off the flashlight devision, here's an article on them...seems slightly out of date however

Dynatec International

I've got 2 AA ones, a black and a silver...I really like them, one of the cool things is the clip (They come with a clip) for my silver one is silver, and I know that the blue ones come with a silver clip, but my black one has a black clip. Not that big a deal but I donno...I realize that

Now, $21 to $27 for the AA model is way to much, I got mine in a 2 pack for $20...If you want the D-Cell ones you might check truck stops/gas stations...they actually sell them there, look for the bright yellow packaging (That interestingly enough my brother helped design)

Oh, almost forgot, here is a little page I made about my Black AA Nordic, nothing special but it's here for your taking...

Nordic Flashlight Page
Saaby. First off, congrats to you. A newbie post that went fairly long. Did you read my post to you on the switch fix and if so, did it work for you? I bought my Nordics from ebay for $5 each total. I tried to email the seller this morning but the demon-mailer trashed it back to me. Why don't you check with your brother and see if he can find a stash of them.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by phred:
Why don't you check with your brother and see if he can find a stash of them.

Actually I might ransac his stash, he has a blue AA one, A Black 3D, a Black 6D (Designed as a 6D from the beginning, not 2 3Ds put together) and another 3D in some Mock-Up packaging! He also has a cool coat hanger from Dynatec, but it isn't related to the flashlights at all...

Unfortunatly they've been gone for quite some time now and he was laid off far before that, like I said earlier, as soon as that company ran into money problems they'd trash the graffic people so he was gone the whole time they were going bottom other words (Unfortunatly, but I know you were half joking anyway) I don't think he can get ahold of a stash, although now that I think of it, I think he has about 100 little instruction booklets...

ANYWAY, I read your post but havent done it yet, but I am going to right after I get done posting here...

Thanks for the info.
Your Nordic AA picture got me interested. I am not into the big ones as I have big MACs already. I like the switch on the AA Nordic.

I'll check on E-BAY. I may get lucky.


the Nordic AA and the 3D that phred so kindly arranged for me is at The LED Museum, low down in the To-Be-Reviewed list.
Maybe if Craig's had a chance to look at it, he might have an opinion ......

Maybe if I hurry and send him another computer (Right...) it'll be a good opinion.


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