Does the water have iodine in it? Commercial water is treated with chlorine. However, if you go camping, some water treatment tablets use iodine. If you have Hashimotos Thyroiditis (autoimmune hypothyroidism that they give you levothyroxine to treat), the antibodies turn iodine into more antibodies and attack your thyroid. The big source of iodine in your diet is likely iodized salt from fast food. Avoid it. It will make your disease worse.
Avoid gluten too, autoimmune diseases pile on. Celiac disease is probably next. Take Reduced Glutathione 250-500 mg and high dose vitamin C to treat Hashimotos and all the problems that will pile up from Kreb's Cycle grinding to a halt. That cycle controls how your body processes all vitamins, minerals, sugar, fat, cholesterol, etc. Cholesterol makes all adrenal hormones so this alone will make you feel like you're brain dead, dying, and have kidney pain. Zinc is needed to make enzymes to make your gut and liver work. The inability to process enzymes can lead to celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and liver problems. Wrong amounts of vitamin B2 and B6 can make you deaf and blind. Copper built up in body can lead to allergy causing Wilson's Disease making you go nuts. Taking Vitamin C keeps these things processed in the body. Reduced glutathione recycles the vitamin C to keep the process going, but it gets used up fighting the antibodies of the disease. They will likely put you on a non inflammatory diet to help your body keep it's natural glutathione levels higher. It's not enough. Often, they tell you to avoid acidic foods like spaghetti (sauce) and orange juice (sources of vitamin C). Don't listen to that advice.
If you feel like you're dying, take high dose ginseng and DHEA. Thyroid controls adrenal glands via pituitary gland. They need support to keep from crashing. Memory issues are caused by low pregnenolone. Kidney pain caused by low aldosterone. Being fidgety is caused by low cortisol. E.D. caused by low testosterone. All these hormones are in some way produced by the adrenal glands or converted to something else downstream. Adrenal glands prioritize cortisol production during times of duress. It's called the pregnenolone steal. Low pregnenolone can make you feel drunk or have blackouts. I've been there. Take the supplements I suggested and eat eggs. Cholesterol converts to all adrenal hormones. Now, if you don't take the supplements I suggested and just eat eggs, you'll have a heart attack because none of that cholesterol could be processed in your body. And don't salt the eggs with iodized salt.