Anyone know how I can post a scanned flashlight pic?


Oct 13, 2001
I have a wonderful color pic ad I cut out of a magazine and scanned. Is there any way for me to post it?

Please give step-by-step instructions appropriate for a thick-headed non-techie!

Many thanks.

Best regards,
Jeez and I thought if you can make it in NYC you can make it everywhere

Brightnorm - first of all you need some webspace - if your provider doesn´t give you any there is a CPF member donating web space to other flashaholics for flashlight pics. Just can´t remember the name - getting old.

After uploading the pic to whatever webspace (there had been also a couple of companies offering this as a free service but I fear most of them if not all didn´t survived the DOT.COM shakeout) you only need to click the IMAGE button when writing the message and entering the URL where you stored the pic.

If you have no webspace and don´t want to look into setting up anything for that purpose either I or other CPF members might offer you to email the pic to upload it on other already setup webspaces somewhere to make it available to CPF in a post.

I remember from various of your posts that you are still playing sort of undercover and might not want to email anyone as you would make yourself "identified". But you might hide behind pretty anomymous yahoo email accounts for that purpose or even use some "spoofing" techniques to hide and sent anonymous email.

BTW - the net as it is is not really as anonymous as one might think - only when doing some technical digging into above mentioned techniques you can be more or less shure you are staying "behind the curtains".


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Klaus:
Brightnorm - first of all you need some webspace - if your provider doesn´t give you any there is a CPF member donating web space to other flashaholics for flashlight pics. Just can´t remember the name - getting old.


Thanks for the info and generous offer.

So there is evidently no way to directly post any pic unless it's first uploaded to a pic site and then downloaded to CPF. Kind of like using a satellite for communications.

I'm sure there will eventually be a direct method.

Best regards,
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Daniel Ramsey:
grrrr, I just spent two freakin hours trying to hook up my $800 Canon camcorder to take a shot of my brinkmann mod...


I'm sure I'm not the only flashaholic who's looking forward to those pics!

Best regards,
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Daniel Ramsey:
grrrr, I just spent two freakin hours trying to hook up then i go to my wifes WEBTV and hook up camera, it works fine on that antiqudated slow piece of microsoft crap but then Yahoo wont show it in my e-mail cause I have to send it by mail to my puter, if its any more complicated than a candle it sucks by my standards, though I have to admit her WEBTV will keep going when my puter is down. so much for posting pics.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lot'sa LOL..
-that's really rich, Daniel

(reply from old guy using another old antiquated reticent, slow, recalcitrant, piece of crap browser)

The only way to post a pic is to first have it available somewhere on the web. Then you create a link to it through your CPF post. I know there's ways to get your own free web space, but since I've had over 50MB of space from school I've never bothered. If you want, email me the pic and I'll post it on the web. That's the only way to have someone else do it for you. I can then email you the URL to it, and any instructions for posting it on CPF.

If anyone else needs this service, just let me know. Infact, there's no need to post a request on CPF. Just email the pic to me directly, and I'll post it on the web, then email you back with the URL.
Brightnorm - you wrote: I'm sure there will eventually be a direct method.

In principle yes - on BF they are using the same BB software I think and have the feature for (paying) gold members to directly upload pics into a message - this feature doesn´t exist on CPF (yet?) due to cost considerations for our master I guess.

So a pic (or everything else for that matter too as i.e. these posts) has to be stored somewhere on the web to be available to others over the web - nothing really overly complicated like you wrote - its more like things need to get printed into the magazin first before they can be read.

Over and out
