Anyone know how to take apart a C808M charger?


Feb 5, 2002
Slot 3 of my charger is acting weird. It charges and discharges much slower than the other ones. The charger is way out of warranty now so I think I'd like to take it apart and see if I can figure out the problem.

I have a feeling the AAA detection switch is stuck in the "on" position, maybe some debris is bridging the contact. I just need to know how to safely take apart this charger without breaking anything. If anyone has done so before, please post your steps.

I take it then that there are no obvious screws on the bottom? My 8000 has little plastic nubs/feet glued on top of the screw holes. If your charger has rubber feet on the bottom, see if one of them can be pried up carefully. Usually, you'll find the screw hiding underneath. On other chargers I have, I can see one or two screws but there's more behind the information sticker on the back. Simply rubbing a finger back and forth on the sticker will show where the screw holes are.... you can then just cut out the label where the hole is instead of peeling the whole sticker off.

If none of the above help, post a picture of the bottom..... if there's absolutely no holes anywhere, just solid plastic, then it's most likely that it is simply snapped together and you'll need to take it apart carefully using either a smooth dull butter knife, or better yet a smooth plastic knife or similar piece of plastic the shape of a Popsicle stick and wedge it carefully into the seam on the side of the unit and carefully pry it apart.... DO NOT DO THIS UNTIL YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE THERE ARE NO SCREWS OR OTHER FASTENERS....... and don't ask my how I know that! :mecry:


Kaptain "Live and Learn.... at a price" Zero