Anyone make a pink flashlight?


Mar 28, 2001
I was named the Godfather of a child and everyone in the family knows I'm into flashlights. I'd like to buy a pink one to give as a gift to my Godchild.

Any help out there?
Do it yourself? Paint it pink? Or maybe get one of those in the forum to anodize a torch in pink for you? should run up in price tho if you choose this option.
Find out what her favorite color is and pick one or two from here:

I sent a young lady a couple of Gemlites. See in the Cafe Forum my posting about a Thank You Card for the result!
PK had some pink flashlights (protoz?) on his web site. Perhaps you could persuade him to part with one of them??? Now THAT would be a collectible.

Or in the alternative, have you seen the translucent colors for the UKE 2AAA mini pocket? No pink, but there was a red, a blue, a purple, and two other colors (on the UKE web site: If I remember correctly however, although five translucent colors were shown, prices were listed only for two of them... Might not be pink, but the see-through colors make a fashion statement of their own. Some glow paint could make the light even more fun...just a thought.
Ray-O-Vac makes a line of flashlights called "Fun Lights". Walmart carries them.

I think they may have a pink version.
I think that I have seen a few pink lights at China-Mart. (Wal-Mart). They bore the logo of the Energizer Bunny. Sorry I don't have time to try to find a link for you, but check out the Everready site.