Anyone receive an e-mail like this?


Dec 22, 2002
Memphis, TN
Hi Steve,

Here is a Flash light we are releasing soon. We will have the first pre-production prototypes later this month. Deliveries are scheduled to begin mid April. Have a look at the attached brochure and get back to us with your comments.

Pricing for the "Power Light" is tentatively set as follows:


Dealer and professional pricing available.

The lights will be shipped in a cardboard display box and includes a 120V charger. 12V chargers will also be available and we are working on a cradle charger to be released later.

Let us know if you have an interest in this. Feel free to show the brochure of feedback.
Marc Allsman
AE Light
Allsman Enterprises, LLC
01-541-471-8988 Ph.
01-541-471-2263 Fx.
[email protected]
This looks pretty cool but they seem to be making some dubious claims about the light:

"They have no filament to break or burn out so THEY NEVER NEED REPLACING." /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

"Rechargeable lithium battery...have a charged shelf life of 10 YEARS" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Still looks like a pretty sweet light, though.
xpitxbullx said:
Sweet! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wow.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Ditto that!!!
The price is right, just need a review. A real CPF approved performance review means a lot to me in that price range. There's too much rubbish out there already.

It's over a foot long and weighs a lot for what I'd be slipping into my pocket, but 24W of HID with such runtime is to be expected.

I'd buy it in a second if it gets a good review. Must keep an eye out on their website for release.

AE Light is the new company name for kenrad (makers of the PSL35 Hid light) I had emailed Marc Allsman last year and he mentioned their new 50/35 watt HID called the Dynaluxx. I'm surprised at the low cost of the 'power light', it seems pretty cheap to me!
I also received an email about the AE Lights, but from '[email protected]' who had been perusing CPF. He sent me a promo on the Dynaluxx. It's nice but I'd want more specs before considering purchase, and I remember the PSL35 was over a grand.
From what I've seen on here, the Kenrad gear was pretty good stuff. We shall wait and see how AE light go (I agree with Burnt: a good review would be a bonus).

Specifically, the 'features' column - looks like blatant cut and paste. Ouch. Never a good thing to do.
Spacemarine said:
2000 Lumens seems to be way overrated!

[/ QUOTE ]

I was thinking thew same thing. A 10 watt HID lamp puts out just over 500 lumens. How does this 21 watter magically put out 2000?
How does a 35W Acro X990 put out 3200 lumens? I think the 2000 lumen rating may be true.

Good point Jeff, but, I'm still not convinced. SureFire says that their Beast puts out 2000 lumens. Surefire may be telling us less than what is true, but it shouldn't be that far off. I just can't see a 2000 lumen 21 watter.
with a 3200 lumen bulb I beleve 2000 lumens out the front for the beast.

the 24 watt light probably has 2000 lumens at the bulb
O geez. I was thinking that it is 21 watts; not 24. That seems more believable. Sorry for my stupidity. I still wanna see a review first though.
If they are looking for feedback, I think the retail price looks strange. $287.63 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Pricing to the penny like that cheapens the product to me. For that kind of money I think they should make a bold statement with $285.00 or $290.00 with the implication that it is worth every dollar.

*** deleted paragraph after seeing everyone above my post stated the same thing about Surefires lumen rating system ***

It all depends on the bulb, the ballast and the battery configuration.

So perhaps the 24W bulb is 2000 lumens and 1500 out the front end. It also may very well NOT be 2000 lumens and they could be lying to boost sales. I hope someone gets one and lets us know.

I just emailed Marc and asked him to view this thread and to offer his input.
I also suggested that he send a sample to Craig at the LED Museum for evaluation.
Good idea StevieR!
I'm getting a bit sus. The email I got mentioned a 21 watt light, not 24. I know the Auerswald ballasts have a good name, and kenrad always did, but I'm still thinking the price is a bit strange. I hope Marc can enlighten us.