AOL Instant Messanger


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 14, 2004
South Jersey
Hey everyone,

I was thinking about the Chat system on CPF and was wondering if anyone was interested in chatting about flashlights (or anything for that matter) using AOL instant messanger instead of the chat on CPF. I'd love to talk to other flashaholics about lights and stuff in real time rather than through posts or PMs (or the chat system on here). If you have a screen name from AOL instant messanger, post it on this thread (or send them around via PM) to anyone who is interested in using that system to talk. I figure it would be kind of interesting.

My sn is: McLarenF1 by GM

Hope to chat with you soon /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

edit: If you want to get AIM (AOL Instant Messanger), go here and fallow the instructions. It's very easy.
the room called "cpf" on AOL has been made and used as needed when IRC was down. no one goes there, most ppl either use the java chat or get some IRC client. cpf chat thread has link to the aim room.
I *believe* you can use the Gaim client to connect to both AOL's chat server and the IRC system. Plus it's ad-free, no blinking crud like with AIM. Ya'll should give it a try. .

I havent used AIM in a long time. Perhaps you can make it so that it doesnt blink "and crap" as you say. But I am pretty sure you cant make it AD-FREE. GAIM = No ads. Absolutly none. You got your menu across the top (File Edit Buddies and all that jazz) then your buddy list. Nothing in between there. Its nice. I promise.

Hmm I have AIM. Baker, I hope u dont mind me putting u on my buddylist /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
bobisculous said:

I havent used AIM in a long time. Perhaps you can make it so that it doesnt blink "and crap" as you say. But I am pretty sure you cant make it AD-FREE.

[/ QUOTE ]

When you first open AIM, there is a ad (maybe two, I don't remember. I haven't signed off AIM in a long time), but that's it. Maybe my pop-up blocker kills anything else, but I don't have any trouble with them.
ditto for trillian. good stuff. although too much custimization possibilites i think for each container and each buddy. too much or not enough.
