Arc AAA now being sold by TechAss


Feb 1, 2002
Benicia, CA
Don't know if this is 'new' news, but the Arc AAA can now be ordered on the Technology Associates site null for $24.95.
>Marketing Hat ON<

Did you know the #1 reason for not taking Amex is the higher discount rate Amex charges?


Did you know Amex buyers BUY MORE?

Did you know the card is rarely rejected?

Did you know that Amex is much nicer to mail order merchants?

Not taking Amex (And Discover, while you are at it) is stupid.

I know one mail order marketer who gives free shipping with Amex.. To force as much biz thru it as possible.


(Marketing hat off)
higher discount you mean the higher interest rate to the card holder if you don't pay in full (Optima and Blue only) or the higher transaction fee they charge to the merchant? Personally, I like the Amex card, but I know of some merchants that have stopped taking it b/c it was more expensive to them...Usually, if someone has an Amex card, he usually has a Visa as well...

But using my Amex card to rack up mileage points, etc. is a good thing. Actually, if I had MY way, I wish every place took my Diner's Club card! Talk about benefits....

OK, back to the real subject now.
Exactly right Jolly, it's a higher fee charged to the Merchant.

It's funny because it's as easy as pie to get a Merchant account for Amex if you do mail order/internet stuff.

Quite a bit harder to get Visa/MC.

Also, Amex is infinitely more "sane" regarding refunds (Customer returns product) and Chargebacks/Inquiries (Customer says they never got product/never ordered product)

I've been in Mail order deals where all someone brought into it was the Merchant account! Really!

It's a weird, WEIRD business.
And, as we all know, the reason that AmEx charges the merchant more per transaction than do Visa and MC is because they make no money from the conumer on interest charges (on the green, gold, and platinum cards... the Blue and the Optima cards are separate). That's also why AmEx charges its cardholders for the "privilege" of carrying their card. I have heard from a reliable source (family member) and from other sources that, if you tell AmEx that you absolutely refuse to pay a membership fee for the card, and you'll be more than happy to quit carrying their card in order to ensure that, they will waive the fee. Of course, you have to be willing to do this each year, and you have to be willing to cancel your card if they don't want to play the game, but that is an option.
You can get the AMEX for no fee mine even has the cashback option.