Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 25, 2002
Bay Area, CA
I've looked through the postings but haven't found a direct comparison of the beams on the original ARC-AAA, the ARC-LE and the ARC-LS with the one AA battery.

Could someone oblige?
Could someone oblige?

Oh, go on then....


Either I`ve got a duff LE (first run), or my AAA (v2.1) is extremely good, for here- yes I did get the labelling correct and I did check the batteries too. But it`s never been brighter than the regular white one, just a cooler whiter colour. The regular one`s very pink.
The LS is a prototype and its beam is much more off centre than production units. The colour`s quite nice- sort of warm overall.

Sorry but I have absolutely no idea whatsoever where my light-meter is, or I`d put numbers on here too.

I bought 4 ARC LE's & one AAA before Christmas. The AAA was at least as bright as any of the LE's. I assume it was one of the lights that got the better LED when Peter couldn't get the standard LED & wanted to finish the run he had going. TX
The Arc LE`s that I have are brighter than the regular white Arc AAA, and significantly enough, IMHO, to make a distinct difference. (Enough of a difference that I bought "a bunch" of the Arc LE`s for personal back-ups and gifts while they were still available.) I`ve found the Arc LE to be a very handy flashlight.

The Arc LS, however, is in a separate and different class, and in a brightness category well above the Arc LE.

I was lucky to get two of the first-run Arc LS`s with a white LED. The LS`s are also a great flashlight, and really bright. I mean, REALLY BRIGHT!

My strong LS favorite is the Arc LS with the 123 power pack. It can light up the night like magic, and is extremely compact.

Two great flashlights....

Thank you, Peter!
Between my Arc AAA and my Arc LE, I notice very little difference between the beam. If there is a difference, it would likely require an instrument to measure it. There is a difference though in durability of the finish. After carrying the AAA in my pocket for an extended period of time, it developed a few worn and scratchy marks. After carrying my LE, it looks as sharp as the day I got it.