Re: ARC LS First Run -- Light dims, must tweak hea
The only 2 Arc LS first runs I had developed these problems, and I actually was able to fix them both. I used a rubber strap wrench to unscrew the front bezel, as they are loctited on. Strap wrenches should be available at a hardware or variety store, often packaged as a small one and a big one for about $10. Mine came mailorder from Harbor Freight.
(Harbor Freight Strap Wrench) Some people use these to open jars or change oil filters on cars, so I'm sure places like Wal-Mart would have these in tool, hardware, automotive or housewares.
From memory, after you get the front off, the circuit disc holding the electronics and LED is revealed, usually gooped with black epoxy and/or some kind of silver glue. This is where you have to be careful when getting the disc out to not break off chunks of epoxy that will take a circuit component off with it. I didn't have any problem, myself. Try tapping the disc out gently from the battery side. I actually chipped away at excess epoxy first. Interior scratches didn't bother me.
A "gold" disc will have gold circuit foils on the battery side, as opposed to a contact nub. Clean off any epoxy or debris from the battery side foils, especially the peripheral gold ring. I just used a jeweler's screwdriver. This has to make contact with the ledge in the body, and I think this is a major cause of intermittants. Arc seemed to hope that epoxy or loctite everywhere would hold the LED alignment, but I think it also caused contact problems. What I did was to take a very fine piece of wire (one strand out of a multistrand wire) and form it into a ring that sits on the ledge, then replace the circuit disc. This elevates the disc a bit, and I think provides a tiny bit of "bite" to the contact. Being extra cautious, I also put a small piece of tape on the gold foils that aren't supposed to touch the body ledge but are very close.
Practice aligning the LED before loctiting (if you must loctite the front bezel; it's not really necessary) by loosening the bezel and tapping the head to jiggle the disc around as you tighten the bezel. With loctite, you get a few tries before it sets up.