Arc LS or a Surefire?

Originally posted by Size15s:
Unlike the catalogue, I'm more accurate, but not such a pretty picture...

SureFire's aren't "just" anything. They are SureFires!

BTW, How much is an ArcLS? How easy is it to get hold of a "first"?

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Because Arc's aern't "just anything. They are Arcs!

Originally posted by sunspot:
Thanks AL. Now I need a KL1. How much is the KL1 and 3? The L1 looks awesome.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Ditto on that-the KL1 just made it onto MY shopping list too.;^)
Originally posted by Size15s:

BTW, How much is an ArcLS? How easy is it to get hold of a "first"?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">It's a crap shoot. The last batch sold for about $100, but there were very few. Sounds like there may be a few more coming out before the LS2 takes over. But when the LS's do come available, you've got about 14 minutes to order one before they're gone.

Want me to try and get you one?

Back to the original subject, how do Arc LSs compare to SureFires? (LSx vs. KLx, L1, A2 etc.)
Is there anyone out there who can tell us?
Anyone who can answer CCW's question?

SableCo has post these prices online:
KL1 $40
KL2 $52
KL3 $45

comments based on what I've seen and believe to be factual:

The KL2 is current limiting which I believe is different than digital regulation??

The particular KL1 shown in the photo above on an E2 body, when hosted on an E1 (1 123 cell) is brighter than the 4 Arc LS's and 2 SLS's that I have tested. With variation from one Luxeon to the next, this isn't very useful information.

To the best of my knowledge, the current Arc LS is designed for a Vin from roughly 1.5 to 3 volts whereas the KL1 (possibly KL3) are designed for a Vin from 3 to 9 volts.

Relative efficiencies and lumen outputs won't be better understood until there is a reasonable population of these guys available to those of us who can and will compare notes as well as make some tests.

I would categorize the L1 as similar in size to the E2 but behavior comperable to a KL1 on an E1 with an additional feature of a single dim mode.

The A2 is in a class all its own and with digital regulation of the incandescent bulb coupled with the simpler resistive circuits for the LED's, we have apples, oranges and an new, unknown fruit here (damn tasty though)

- Don
Thanks for the information Size 15s and McGizmo. The L1 sounds great (and with a dimmer yet).

Boy, I really can't wait for the L1 and the KL1 to become available.

As far as I know, the L1 works like the A2 and 10X in that if you press the switch gently you get one output (Low output for the L1, LEDs for the A2, and duty beam for the 10X) You can rotate the TailCap screwing it onto the body - this will activate the low output constant-on. Pressing hard on the switch when the light is off, or in constant-on low output will activate the main beam. Screwing the TailCap tight will activate the main beam constant-on.
The L1 and A2 TailCaps have a LockOut position when backed off the body.

Just think with an L1 and A2, you EDC illumination needs would be met completely. We know rough due dates for A2 and KL series, any word on the L1?
Originally posted by McGizmo:

..... To the best of my knowledge, the current Arc LS is designed for a Vin from roughly 1.5 to 3 volts whereas the KL1 (possibly KL3) are designed for a Vin from 3 to 9 volts......

- Don
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The KL1 is 3-9 volts; the KL3 is 6-9 volts
An E1 with KL1 produces just as bright output as the E2 with KL1. The runtime is longer when the KL1 is powered by two SF123As though.

Just how long the regulated runtime is, and how bright it is I can not say. What I can say is that if you carry an E1(e) and use a BeamShaper, the KL1 will produce a far whiter beam that should prove far more useful to you. Infact, those who run MN02 lamp in the E2(e) are also likely to find the KL1 very useful.

The KLx can not match the ~5W bulbs in terms of beam intensity and throw. Most people don't appear to have an E2(e) for it's beam throw, but because it is tiny and very easy to carry on you. The KL1 should make very little difference it your ability to clip it to the inside of your trouser pocket. The KL1 on the E1(e) is likely to make it an easier flashlight to hold and use because the cooling fins would aid gripping it. (I've often found the E1(e) to be too short for my hand, sometimes the switch is difficult to press with my thumb without retaining the Bezel rim against my little finger which blocks out a bit of the beam).
I guess that the KL1 will be the most popular KL Bezel because it offers both E1(e) and E2(e) users a very impressive and useful alternative at a price it appears hard to resist.

I've put my order in for a KL3. I think it's a fantastic style!

Whether or not to start a thread or ask a question regarding SureFires and LEDs is a difficult business. I am sure we'll have to sort things out for when the A2 is released!

I'll discuss this with our Admin staff and Moderators. I suspect we will decided to put all SureFire LED related threads in the LED products section. Perhaps a Luxeon products section is needed?

I'm moving this to the LED products section. I think it's better there.

Ok for the record, some one please tell me the difference between the KL1, KL2 and KL3????
HHHEEELLPPP! I know that they are all bezels fitted with luxeons for Surefires but past that???
Thank you Bushman. I was thinking along the same lines.
I would like to add, how does the KL line relate to the A2?