Arc LS or a Surefire?

Hi Size15s (or anyone?)-

any idea about run time for the KL1 on running off of 1 and of 2 123 cells?

Many thanks - michel

i understand from pk that no one will be disappointed. also, there is the possibility that sf might produce run time charts

guess we'll all just have to wait

Why can't we all just get along? Surefires living with Arcs. Mags with photons Etc.
Your conversion looks like a match made in heaven. Wish it could join its cousins though...Whata ya say!

How is this conversion done? Is it still water resistant? If not for the impending release of the KL1, then that would be a desired mod for me but I would find it redundant once the KL1 is released.

The mod is very benign; a slight reduction of the shoulder on the E1 behind the O-ring. The seal between head and body creates an air tight seal. The water resistant integrety is a function of the Arc head itself; mating of head to body is sound.

Mr. Glow,

Good call on getting along.

As far as the SureFire position on their product being used as mods, I suspect it would be a question of the mod in particular. I believe it would be safe to say that they don't have a global aversion to such modifications. I support this statement by quoting PK from another thread:

" And I am flattered he used SF E1e as mod. Base."

Quote from this THREAD

- Don
Originally posted by this_is_nascar:
OK, call me gullable, but there's not really an E3E, is there?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Yes, there is a E3e but it is made by Photoshop, not Surefire!
I recently acquired a second hand LS/E1 and absolutely love it. Anyone have any idea how many LS/E1's have been made?

I haven't been following this thread very closely, so pardon me if this is a redundant question, are the KL1 kits for the E1 available yet?
I placed an order but was told it probably was going to be a while before they receive them from Surefire. I ordered my 10x about 6 months before I received it. If you order now, you will probably get one sooner than those who wait.

LPS Tactical has product on order and will accept phone orders. They haven't posted on their web and as I understand won't until they have product in hand. $45 for the KL1 + free shipping I believe. And they might be working on an Ex package to go along with the KL1.

- Don
Originally posted by rlhess:
If I have the E2e in one pocket and an Arc sLS in the other pocket why do I need the KL1?

I have the E2e for its brightness. I have the sLS for redundancy, enough, but less, light when I need it, and battery compatibility with the E2e.

I see the KL1 as a good alterntive to the Arc LS, but I don't see fussing with/storing parts unless Surefire comes out with an SC that holds the spare head as well as the spare LA--and even then, when I need light, I don't need the wrong head on it.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Good question. How about this - throw away (send me
) the extra head and just keep KL1 and E1e body. What will you get? A Sure Fire LS with LOTC and pyrex lens in a lower price. I replace my X5 with X5T is because of its tailswitch. It doesn't mean the original X5 is bad.

Originally posted by Glow Bug:
Why can't we all just get along?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Well, heck. I certainly don't see any reason why we can't all get along. That's exactly what I'm trying to advocate here, afterall. My Arc head and E1 body get along just swimingly.

I'm glad to see you revived the E3... and I'm glad somebody noticed.
You know what I'm like.

Have I done a direct comparison of the ArcLS and the KL1?

Am I sure the KL1 will be better then the ArcLS?

I understand how passionate people can be about products. Seriously.

I know some ArcLS owners will get the KL1 for their E Series SureFire. The proof if you need it will be in the side-by-side comparison.

Oh, I don't have any problem people using SureFires at bases for mods. It's just when they look as well turned out as the ArcLS-E1-mod (Conversion, it's still a modified SureFire in my book), I think it's important to make sure that *non* Flashaholics and people new to CPF understand that.
Infact, I believe there are few other flashlight brands that I respect as much as Arc. Their ArcAAA is still an EDC for me (which means I don't have an A2) I don't care for the ArcLS styling myself, but I can't think of a better brand to convert a SureFire to power.
I think I understand why you'd want to make it. I've been waiting for the KL1 a very long time. If I was skillful and talented, I think I'd try to mod something together.
As it is, I know the KL1 will be well worth the wait.

The ArcLS is perhaps currently the best LED flashlight you could buy. In my opinion, it won't be for long - the KL1 Conversion Bezel will be better.



I hope we do get along - it is my aim.
I expect to get some stick.
I remind myself that few people had a chance to compare the proto-type KL1 to an Arc LS at the SHOT Show.

Thanks for the comments. BTW, I don't like waiting in the dark but you are right about the wait being worth it! The KL1 rocks!

- Don
Originally posted by Size15s:
You know what I'm like.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
Only too well, my friend.

I know some ArcLS owners will get the KL1 for their E Series SureFire.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
I know lots of them. Personally. They're the ones all standing in line behind me here.

I think it's important to make sure that *non* Flashaholics and people new to CPF understand that it's a mod.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
That's a good point. You wouldn't want anybody thinking that SureFire had a Lexeon Star option on the market already! What would be next? Having them think that you could use three different battery configurations?! <- note subtle British-style humor, lacking smileys so as not to blow my cover.
Al and Don,

Have either or both of you seen the KL1 in action? If so please explain in more detail why and how it is better then the Arc LS, seeing as how that's our main basis of any comparison for most of us members here. Is the KL1 whiter, brighter, flatter discharge, corona issues? Please share details. I just can't see how anybody can say it's better then an Arc LS without having done a comparison. You can say I believe it will be better as I know how great the company is and have had much experience with their products but you can't say you're sure. Well you can but it comes down to just being an opinion, not a fact. Personally, I hope it is better, we all want the best and continued improvement in the field.
Perhaps the LS 2AA body can be mod'd to fit the KL1? The latest gen of NiMH AAs should power it like a dream.

With the stock E2(e) body, I expect you'll be able to get good results from NiMH 123A batteries (you can buy these right?)

Remember, the potential for KL1 mods is perhaps going to make it more popular then using stock E series bodies - especially for CPF members.

Battery configorations between 3V and 9V can be used. I'm sure that PK will release detailed specs. A Moder's guide to using the KL1 would be great.
Thinking about it, how about a 3AAA body? Or a PP3 body? I was even wondering if it will be possible to power it with a LiIon cellphone battery...
