You know what I'm like.
Have I done a direct comparison of the ArcLS and the KL1?
Am I sure the KL1 will be better then the ArcLS?
I understand how passionate people can be about products. Seriously.
I know some ArcLS owners will get the KL1 for their E Series SureFire. The proof if you need it will be in the side-by-side comparison.
Oh, I don't have any problem people using SureFires at bases for mods. It's just when they look as well turned out as the ArcLS-E1-mod (Conversion, it's still a modified SureFire in my book), I think it's important to make sure that *non* Flashaholics and people new to CPF understand that.
Infact, I believe there are few other flashlight brands that I respect as much as Arc. Their ArcAAA is still an EDC for me (which means I don't have an A2) I don't care for the ArcLS styling myself, but I can't think of a better brand to convert a SureFire to power.
I think I understand why you'd want to make it. I've been waiting for the KL1 a very long time. If I was skillful and talented, I think I'd try to mod something together.
As it is, I know the KL1 will be well worth the wait.
The ArcLS is perhaps currently the best LED flashlight you could buy. In my opinion, it won't be for long - the KL1 Conversion Bezel will be better.
I hope we do get along - it is my aim.
I expect to get some stick.
I remind myself that few people had a chance to compare the proto-type KL1 to an Arc LS at the SHOT Show.