Arc LS or a Surefire?

I can only speak for myself: If there were details I could give you, I would. I don't have an ArcLS.

Is there anyone in the UK with an ArcLS?

Originally posted by Size15s:

The ArcLS is perhaps currently the best LED flashlight you could buy. In my opinion, it won't be for long - the KL1 Conversion Bezel will be better.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Well, I'm a wait-and-see (or should that be wait-and-blink
) kind of guy. The Arc LS has more than proven itself to me, that I've collected quite a stable of them. Just as the E2 and E2e proved themselves, and I'm very happy with them.

Considering the price people are talking about for the KL1, though, it looks like it has a lot going for it. I hope the final production model (whenever it gets here...) is as good as it sounds.

Originally posted by Size15s:

I don't care for the ArcLS styling myself, but I can't think of a better brand to convert a SureFire to power.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I've got to disagree 100% on that one. It is the biggest downfall of the KL1.

Look at the Arc LS on the E1 body, nice and round, fits perfectly in your pocket. Now look at the KL1, it's got a damn hex nut on it!

Now does anyone really think it is convenient to carry something in your pocket that has sharp, protruding angles on it that are constantly poking me. An EDC spends most of its life in your pocket, it should be comfortable to do so, and then be easily removed and not get snagged on it's way out. I disagree with the idea that it might roll away if I set it on a flat surface, a round bezel on an E1e will still not roll because the clip will not allow it to roll.

Anyway, that's my rant.

Why can't Surefire make ergonomicly shaped EDC lights that don't require a wrench to tighten down.
Originally posted by Size15s:
Perhaps the LS 2AA body can be mod'd to fit the KL1?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">It's a great idea, but alas, it won't work. The Surefire bodies keep their batteries introverted, while the Arc bodies poke their batteries up in an extroverted way. This is the reason that Arc/SF body mods need a spacer to shove the battery higher.

But this isn't to say that new battery bodies can't be made by some of the lathe-savvy people we all know and love.
I'm all excited by the KL Luxeons. IF the SureFire KL1 isn't as good as I say it is, I'll feel more let down then most.

I'm already thinking about what's coming next - I expect mine eyes will pop out of my head when I see the goodies at the SHOT Show 2003!

I don't know how reliable the source was, but the 123a rechargeables were only rated at 550mAh or something like that, I seem to remember. Nowhere near the runtime of a normal lithium 123a.

Mybe we can get McGizmo to put the KL1 in his lathe and turn down the Hexnut thingy!
The KL1 on both the E1e and E2e does not snag when pocketclipped. The Bezel is above the clip so could not snag.

I suppose this does not taking into account thoses with the E1 and E2 (or those who don't want to pocketclip). If you carry the flashlight in the bottom of your pocket, I'd need some more details of how quickly you can produce a SureFire from your pocket, and when it is released, perhaps people will comment based on previous experience with bottom of pocket carry, comment on whether the styling of the KL1 makes any difference.

The Cooling fins don't appear to be just styling, I expect they will also give the E1e-KL1 more grip. Don't people find the E1e is too small for your hand? I usually have to use my little finger to retain it in order to use the pressure switch. And therefore my little finger blocks a bit of the lens. Because the KL1 is a little bit longer then the standard Exe bezel, I expect it will help you use the E1e switch and grip the flashlight.

Oh, and from the photos I've seen, the KL1 hex feature is truncated, and is actually lower than then cooling fins. It appears that on it's own, the KL1 will roll about easily (but that's okay, you can put it Bezel down or up because there is no lamp to fall out)
It looks like the Hex feature aids anti-rolling when the KL1 is on a body.

Getting worried that the KL1 may catch on things?
What have you got to say about the KL3 then?!


I have seen the KL1 in action, side by side to a couple of Arc LS's. Given the variation in Luxeons, is this a fair comparison? I don't think so. I have seen two KL1's, one a pre-production proto I believe and the other a production unit. Both are of a higher color temp than any Arc LS I've seen and brighter than the Arc's present for comparison. The KL1 uses the new Luxeon Optic so beam shapes and variations are likely comperable to what we've seen with the Arc's and mods. The Arc LS is a great flashlight and the first out of its kind in production. In my humble opinion, due to qualitative as well as subjective criteria, the KL1 is preferable. This is an opinnion based on a small population of of both lights. The LS2 is just around the corner so who knows what will be seen and said tomorrow.

- Don

Regarding various battery configurations, the KL1 is certainly a modders dream. I believe I have made suggestions in comments to both DSpec and CNC Dan that a 2XAA holder with clickie should be considered as a host for the KL1. A non 123 SureFire? What a concept! I would like to see the corners of the Hex rounded a bit. THis would bring the Hex below the fins as Al mentioned and I thikn would reduce the angular apearance some. There are some really cool marine turnbuckles with just a remanant of hex flats on them and the look is cool.

- Don
Thanks Don. That's a very fair statement based on observations from both lights. I have heard well from another, that the KL1 is superior to other Luxeon lights. What advantage or secrets does Surefire have in the Luxeon LED front? I thought everybody was getting screwed equally in the inconsistency of the Luxeon LED production. Could the KL1 be based on a high dome Luxeon which reputably has a whiter, cleaner beam?

Damn, I gotta move to California and get hands on dibs on some of these new releases! Evidently, California is king in the flashlight manufacturing world.
Geepondy wrote:
"Damn, I gotta move to California and get hands on dibs on some of these new releases! Evidently, California is king in the flashlight manufacturing world."

You wanna start a Flashaholic campsite?
Who'd you think would provide the light entertainment?

Al, remember there are other flashlight manufacturer's in California besides Surefire...including Maglight, ha, ha.
The LS1 only wants to see 1.5 - 3V, so only one 123 at a time for now. The LS3, on the other hand, won't even run on 1.5V, and will be happy with 3-6V. The LS3 will be happy with 2xAA, 1X123 or 2x123.
You can get in the new products queue for MagLite and I'll get in the queue for SureFire.

On a side note
, I do like that Luxeons can take various battery/voltage configorations. Do we know of any other companies joining the Luxeon path?
