I took some brightness readings, but not sure where they went.
Let me go through my sent e-mail wastebasket and see if they show up...
hmmm.... 4,400 messages and the header's gone t*ts-up.
Time for more drastic measures...
2 Energizer Lithium AA: 80,500mcd
2 Right-Aid alkaline AA: 73,600mcd
1 Energizer Lithium AA: 56,100mcd
1 Right-Aid alkaline AA: 50,100mcd
All configurations tested appear as bright or brighter than a new Expedition 300 with very few hours (and consequently, like-new LEDs).
Multi-cell configurations appear brighter than an Expedition 1400, but with a somewhat narrower main beam.
I don't yet have any 123s to test the 123 configuration, but will do so the moment I get them.
NOTE: These are preliminary, and are prototype readings only. The production units *may* read slightly differently.