Multiple questions and a statement for the for the Testers and for Gransee. I Hope that you have time to answer them.
First the statement.
The testers have in the mail to them, a total of 6 lithium 123's each. 2 Energisers, 2 Duracell Ultras, and 2 SureFire 123's. One envelope contains the Energizers and Ultras. With the help of Pooh, the SureFires are on there way. I wanted to provide more than this but the SureFire backorder put a temporary damper on things that I hope to correct. Oh, Gransee you have a couple of Surefires comming to you as well. I hope to do more to help defer some of your costs in the future.
To the testers. I love the photos of the beams. If possible, I would like to see a couple of things if it would not inconvience any of you too much.
1. I would like to see the beam of the Arc-LS with one AA compared to some other lights.
I think in my mind that this could be called Economy Mode.
2. I am really interested in seeing relative sizes. How about the Arc-Ls with 123 and AA pack compared to some small lights, particularly the E1.
3. Would like to see the The Arc-LS compared in size to a AA Mag light with the 2 AA pack installed.
comment...You have done a great job at comparing the Arc-LS with lights that are larger. The only light that I think is in the same size class that a comparison was made with is the E1. So for the forth item
4. How about some beam comparisons with lights of the same size class.
your doing a great job.
Gransee, I have some questions that I hope you have the time to answer.
1. Have you considered selling just the Arc-AAA heads? I would like to accumulate them all but do not need that many bodies. A kit with all of the available visable lights and and maybe the other two as well would be nice.
2. If the Arc-AAA hard coated lights are satisfactory, will you consider at an added cost, selling a matching AAA with the Arc-LS as a set?
3. Have you thought of this for the future, making the battery pack such that the Lanyard ring is a foldaway D or triangle ring that folds into a recess flush with the base? I think that this would provide a light that has a more stable base for standing upright and has a ring that provides a more central hanging point.
4. I know that others have mentioned a power pack that contains a D or C cell. Have you considered a whole new design optomised for a single D or C cell in the future? There are lots of large good lights but they can be made better. I think the portable lights are more important, when you are at home or some fixed base and the light fails or is not suitable, you can easily grab another. Your lights provide good function when it is most critical, away from home or a fixed base. Keep up the good work.
Now a request for a comment. I have the White and red Arc-AAA. I have thought about the Turquoise AAA for its brightness but am curious about the yellow. I have not seen much comment on this one. It is not as bright as the Turquoise but is brighter than white. How is this one as a carry color? Well, if I had all of the heads, I could decide for myself what color to carry.
Oh, I just had a silly thought. I saw someone with some posts reffering to some stainless steel keyfobs for carrying pills. If one were the right size, it could contain all but one of the following, a bright head such as the Turquoise, a vision preserving head such as Green, Blue, or Red, a natural color head such as White or Yellow and maybe a UV or special purpose head. Of course one of these would be on the body itself. What do you think??? An Arc-AAA with the most used head and a container with heads for special purposes.
Well again, I hope you find the batteries usefull and hope that some of my questions can be ansewered. Thank you all.