oh ok...very cool

and what do i need to run these safely (voltage, resistor....)
The more I see, the more I am getting excited about these lights. Can't wait to get one in my hands but will be patient so as to get it right. Good work Gransee and testers
Multiple questions and a statement for the for the Testers and for Gransee. I Hope that you have time to answer them.

First the statement.
The testers have in the mail to them, a total of 6 lithium 123's each. 2 Energisers, 2 Duracell Ultras, and 2 SureFire 123's. One envelope contains the Energizers and Ultras. With the help of Pooh, the SureFires are on there way. I wanted to provide more than this but the SureFire backorder put a temporary damper on things that I hope to correct. Oh, Gransee you have a couple of Surefires comming to you as well. I hope to do more to help defer some of your costs in the future.

To the testers. I love the photos of the beams. If possible, I would like to see a couple of things if it would not inconvience any of you too much.

1. I would like to see the beam of the Arc-LS with one AA compared to some other lights.
I think in my mind that this could be called Economy Mode.

2. I am really interested in seeing relative sizes. How about the Arc-Ls with 123 and AA pack compared to some small lights, particularly the E1.

3. Would like to see the The Arc-LS compared in size to a AA Mag light with the 2 AA pack installed.

comment...You have done a great job at comparing the Arc-LS with lights that are larger. The only light that I think is in the same size class that a comparison was made with is the E1. So for the forth item
4. How about some beam comparisons with lights of the same size class.

your doing a great job.

Gransee, I have some questions that I hope you have the time to answer.

1. Have you considered selling just the Arc-AAA heads? I would like to accumulate them all but do not need that many bodies. A kit with all of the available visable lights and and maybe the other two as well would be nice.

2. If the Arc-AAA hard coated lights are satisfactory, will you consider at an added cost, selling a matching AAA with the Arc-LS as a set?

3. Have you thought of this for the future, making the battery pack such that the Lanyard ring is a foldaway D or triangle ring that folds into a recess flush with the base? I think that this would provide a light that has a more stable base for standing upright and has a ring that provides a more central hanging point.

4. I know that others have mentioned a power pack that contains a D or C cell. Have you considered a whole new design optomised for a single D or C cell in the future? There are lots of large good lights but they can be made better. I think the portable lights are more important, when you are at home or some fixed base and the light fails or is not suitable, you can easily grab another. Your lights provide good function when it is most critical, away from home or a fixed base. Keep up the good work.

Now a request for a comment. I have the White and red Arc-AAA. I have thought about the Turquoise AAA for its brightness but am curious about the yellow. I have not seen much comment on this one. It is not as bright as the Turquoise but is brighter than white. How is this one as a carry color? Well, if I had all of the heads, I could decide for myself what color to carry.

Oh, I just had a silly thought. I saw someone with some posts reffering to some stainless steel keyfobs for carrying pills. If one were the right size, it could contain all but one of the following, a bright head such as the Turquoise, a vision preserving head such as Green, Blue, or Red, a natural color head such as White or Yellow and maybe a UV or special purpose head. Of course one of these would be on the body itself. What do you think??? An Arc-AAA with the most used head and a container with heads for special purposes.

Well again, I hope you find the batteries usefull and hope that some of my questions can be ansewered. Thank you all.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brock:
Right on the Arc site
there is a PDF with all kinds of good info.
Although a somewhat obsolete one....(from March this year)
so are the ls led's as sturdy as the old ones? the arc looks like a good bright light, however it doesnt look to be leaps ahead of the others and it chews batteries up really quick.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonSidneyB:
Multiple questions and a statement for the for the Testers and for Gransee. I Hope that you have time to answer them.

1. I would like to see the beam of the Arc-LS with one AA compared to some other lights.
I think in my mind that this could be called Economy Mode.

2. I am really interested in seeing relative sizes. How about the Arc-Ls with 123 and AA pack compared to some small lights, particularly the E1.

Let's see... I've got the ball for (1), taking some more pictures. I may even be able to do some of that this morning, at least as long as the fog persists and it stays dark.

But (2) and (3) are Brock's ball, as I don't have an E1, E2, or Mini Mag. He does.
Here Brock. Take it back for a safety.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mrchri5:
so are the ls led's as sturdy as the old ones? the arc looks like a good bright light, however it doesnt look to be leaps ahead of the others and it chews batteries up really quick.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If yopu compare the Luxeon LEDs with the Nichia: The Luxeons have much lower dynamic restistance, that means it is easier to destroy them with 'constant' voltage sources and they do not withstand much reverse voltage/current. And they are a big leap in light distribution, no such a spotlight was available earlier. And they do not eat batteries. They have about the same efficiency, that means you pay just as much battery as you get light for .-)

Arc LS is on the right.
Arc LS loaded with almost-new alkaline AA cell.

Photon II has about 5-7 minutes of very intermittent use on it, still shines like new.

Eternalight loaded with almost-new alkaline cells.

Batonlight loaded with alkaline "N" cells, <10 minutes of very intermittent use on them over the last six months.
First thanks for the batteries. I will have to test them for runtime, probably in the Surefire E1 since it won't take as long

As far as ordering Arc AAA head I would bet the body of the light is very inexpensive compared to the head. Say the whole light is $24, I bet the body is about $1 of that. If it were me I would just pay the extra dollar and have a drawer of spare bodies for the light. Also you mention carrying the heads in a FOB, I would carry the whole flashlights themselves and then just switch to whichever one I needed. Then you wouldn't have to worry about a dead battery or trying to screw a head in on complete darkness. This is just my opinion of course. It would take up more space and weight.

Getting camera out and taking pictures...
The LS shots were taken with a single alkaline AA.


well they are inefficient in a way, just depends on how much light you need. if all you need is a tiny amount of light or an emergency light then something like an infinity is better (i know don't laugh). as for the size its nice to have a small light but if it was a little bigger it wouldnt matter cause its still to big like it is now to carry it in your pocket everyday. if they keep changing the design of the mini arc how are they gonna sell just the heads? it does sound like a neat idea to have all the colors but I think i would be happy with white and if I need a really bright light ill just go to an ls when i get one. i'm hesitant to order an ls because like with the mini arc i think they will release a improved ls several months later. also will this light have a smooth finish area when released? I am thinking about putting some 3m reflective tape on it if i can find some.
Too big to carry in a pocket??? Hmmm, I carry an E1 in my pocket everyday, a lot of people carry J-Frame revolvers in their pockets with ease and that cylinder is much larger than the E1 or the Arc-Ls. In addition to the E1, I always either have an E2 or a 9Z with me depending how Im dressed and how much other stuff Im carrying. Oh, and my lights don't look funny on my person as I can conceal them quite easily and they don't seem to be much of a load to carry. The Arc-Ls is going to retire my E1, the other SureFires will be my really bright but almost never use lights. My Ls is going to be my 1/4 used battery eater from the SureFires. I think some might say that I should just stick with the E1 and not go the Arc=LS,,,Posh to that. The Surefires are only bright for maybe 10 or 15 minutes of thier batteries life. The E1 does a bit better than that but the Arc-LS's step up looks like it will give me a lot more useful life. In fast right now as I type, I have an E1 with a battery that has about 40 minutes or so on it, my Pal light easily matches it except for the Pal's ugly rings. Besides, the Pal can't eat up all of my 25-50% spent 123's that I have been accumulating. The Arc-Ls will pay for itself in batteries at the rate that I consume them.
Thanks for the Photos of the LS vice the other torches. The image of it vice the AA Maglite has given me a frame of reference regarding physical size. For about a day or so, I have been carrying one of my veteran Maglite AAs without the batteries and buttcap in the pocket I usually carry the AAA Pelican Supermitylite. I surmise that the "gutted" MAglite is just about 3/8 inch longer than the AA LS. I doesn't feel noticeably larger than the pelican. I fully intend it to reside in my back pocket vice on a belt sheath.
I am thinking that the domestic testers should receive batteries today with the one going to the UK taking a bit longer due to distance. Let me know if they arrive ok. Cant wait for the Arc-LS's to be ready.
so would it be wise to reserve an ls now? I want one but I think its best to wait. Since they made improvements on the arc aaa after release im guessing they will on the ls? what do you guys think? I really want one!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonSidneyB:
I am thinking that the domestic testers should receive batteries today with the one going to the UK taking a bit longer due to distance. Let me know if they arrive ok. Cant wait for the Arc-LS's to be ready.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The batteries came today, thanks!!!
I did something late this afternoon that could ***** the test ("dook, dook, dook") so I'll probably begion the first round of testing first thing tomorrow morning.
Just got mine toaday also, thanks! I will have to start running them. Maybe I will run them in the LS so I can see how the LS will react to running a lot right away.