Did all three types for batteries arrive? Where has Gransee been lately, has he dropped off the face of the web?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonSidneyB:
Did all three types for batteries arrive? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
BTW it would be interesting having all three types tested with constant current/constant power discharge. Does anyone of you people have such a device (which makes that automatically and logs the data)?
I wish I had a way to do real data logging with the batteries. What does everyone think of how to discharge them. Should I use a Surefire E1 with a load of about 700mA or the LS with a load about 470mA?

Option A is setting the light in front of the light meter and putting my Fluke inline with the light to get mA readings.

Option B is setting the light in front of the light meter and using the Fluke to check battery voltage.

I could probably get a second Fluke and meter both mA and voltage? Maybe I should do that.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonSidneyB:
[QB]Did all three types for batteries arrive?[QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I got the Duracell Ultra & the Energizer E2 (from you) yesterday (thank you again!
), and the Surefire brand will probably show up today or tomorrow if I have my facts straight.

Just learned the parents are in town - that could complicate things in the short term.
Not sure it would be wise to start up a test this morning, only to find I'm dragged away kicking and screaming halfway through the test for an impromptu lunch or dinner date.

They're leaving Saturday... maybe Saturday morning would be a better time to begin. By that time, the Surefire batteries should also be here to complete the trifecta.
My internet access has been spotty at best recently, looks like server troubles but it could be the modem. Still, let`s see if it`ll stay open while I write this....

Jon- got my batteries today. Thanks- that was quick too! Too bad my LS hasn`t even been posted yet- but I`ll remain patient........can I?.......oh it`s not fair I want it now!!!!

Seriously though, I`ll keep them safe here till it finally shows. The SFs havn`t arrived yet but when they do, they`ll go in the drawer with them, waiting for the LS too. I`ll also be testing one of my "cheapo" Panasonic 123s that I currently use in my SureFire lights, they are very cheap and it would be interesting to know if the lower cost means lower performance or not. I don`t really like the idea of having to spend more on one change of batteries, than some whole lights cost- batteries included! But depending on the outcome of the tests, my opinions may change.

Rest assured the moment the tests commence, you`ll know about it.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brock:
I wish I had a way to do real data logging with the batteries<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually I made such a device some two decades ago (and threw it away a short time ago). Just a constant current circuit and a battery powered mechanical clock (which was also powered by the tested battery). Starting at 12 o'clock the clock stops when the battery reaches the discharge treshold.
Of course nowadays a computer based device will do the job much better and deliver a complete discharge curve.

BTW: I would opt for a test with the Arc LS.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeLu:
BTW: I would opt for a test with the Arc LS.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, that's what you're going to get in a day or two (as soon as my parents blow town, hahaha!).

I don't have a Surefire, so the LS will be used for every CR123 test I perform.
Got a prototype to stay airtight for an hour of water at 1 foot tonight. This is so silly that we have been having this problem! We tried over a dozen mechanical variations and 5 different types of material including clear epoxy, buna and teflon.

Going to test it again tomorrow to make sure it is not a fluke. It that works, we do it all again at more depth. More to come.

Fortunately, the rest of light is fairly ready to go. We're pretty happy with the circuit. The LS LEDs vary more than the little 5mm's we use in the AAA size, but this is normal for an LED this size. Thankfully, overheating is not going to be a problem either.

The type III is looking nice. I think we will lock in on the greyish color. We tested with some Arc-AAA's to see how they would look. Will post pics in the mfg's forum soon. We are also looking into putting slats on the head to reduce roll.

Got a bead on some more S-ranks for the AAA product, will test them for the XL?

Got a SF 123 cell from Jon and Jeff today. Thanks guys! I think they sent more but got lost when the package was mangled by the PS, so I only got the one. I hope to get the production PCB in soon (checked on them today) and I will use that battery for some of the tests.

Working on a new logo, I'll post some canidates later on.

Peter Gransee
The bulk of the single cell packs is mostly for balance and aestetics. Otherwise you would have a big head, small body (kind of like in gradeschool).

A Power Puff Girl

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gransee:
The LS LEDs vary more than the little 5mm's we use in the AAA size, but this is normal for an LED this size<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Varying in voltage, brigthness or colour (all for nominal current)?
For all three: Compared with white Nichias half a year after they hit the market it is not that bad.
And unlike Nichias you can get them in voltage groups (maybe not now, but in future).
Still have not heard anything from LPS on battery order, they told me that they had the batteries and that I would get them in 5 days. its been 16 days. At the 6 day mark they told me that they would go ahead and ship the Ultras. They have never arrived. I ordered 12 and 12 on the batteries. I do not know how else to get the SureFire batteries right now. Everyplace I called did not have any. We were only able to locate the 8 that got sent out. Lost a lot of faith in LPS since they gave a ship date on something they didn't have and can't seem to ship what they do have.
The SureFire batteries showed today. Once again- thanks
Well since I don`t have an Arc-LS to test them in yet
, nor an E-1 or any other single-123 light, I can`t do any run time testing yet- unless you want me to burn them all in my E2? That would mean no LS test though, so maybe not...

Anyway, one thing I can do right now is moderately accurate off load voltage testing. So I did- here`s the results. Both batteries read the same voltage in 3 of the four types I tested....

SureFire- both 3.31v.
Energizer E2- both 3.28v.
Duracell Ultra- both 3.25v.
Panasonic (they`re the cheapest I know)- 3.30v, 3.26v.

Looks like the SFs win on initial voltage- but one Panasonic is close. I have more of those somewhere so will meter them too later on whn I get chance to track them down.

Just for the record...never did one of these before
(Picture taken at 1/10 shutter speed!)


I know....I better get a resistor for that LS
Hey Nightshift. 830ma!!!
Is that an LS or is that a flashbulb?
How long does it last at 830ma?
Oh, its an LS , heh. The day i got it i accidently ran it off 4.1 volts...was drawing 1.5 amps and it started to turn blue i was like

Hope i didnt damage it. After i got some resistors now its running at about 400ma, 3.3v...took some ~~>pictures<~~
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by NightShift:
Oh, its an LS , heh. The day i got it i accidently ran it off 4.1 volts...was drawing 1.5 amps and it started to turn blue i was like

Hope i didnt damage it. After i got some resistors now its running at about 400ma, 3.3v...took some ~~>pictures<~~

Thanks for those very interesting pix.
Well, I never got the official test started... but today I reached for the Arc LS while looking for a special homebrew plug for my computer's audio stuff (external amp, subwoofer, speakers, etc.) to bring my system back up to snuff after being destroyed last winter... and OH OH!!! I accidentally left it burning on a closet shelf... then I fell asleep on the couch.
Several hours later, when I woke up and headed for the kitchen, this bright light was already shining on the wall - it was the Arc LS of course. And it was still bright.
The batteries will of course have to be replaced before "official" testing begins.

But here's some early info that us testers will probably find out sooner or later and the end user might want to know about - the thing gets pretty darned tootin' toasty after awhile!

If I had a thermocouple, I could put all guesses aside... but I'd say the head was at around 55°C (~130°F) and the body (the 2 AA module) around 45°C (~116°F). Very warm (bordering on hot towards the head) but not so hot you couldn't hold it without twisting your face all up and crossing your legs all funny.

It was very likely even warmer sometime during that first hour when the batteries were strongest, but probably not by more than 5° or so. It was loaded with Energizer lithiums (the red & gold kind) that had been used in the LS already, intermittently, for around an hour total.

Just so you know... that growing warmth in your pocket isn't your workmate pissing in there - you probably just left your LS burning!