arctic silver: which one?


May 16, 2004
43.66 N - 13.13 E
i must dissipate the heat from a lux-V overdrived at about 7-8W, i use a disc of copper but which kind of compound (or epoxy) i can use for best performance? alumina? silver 5? ceramic?
I use Artic Alumina Adhesive (epoxy) for my 30+ LuxV mods.
The Sandwich Shop have them on sale for $6.80
you can use whatever you want. 7-8w of heat isnt that much compared to a CPUs 60+. the products you listed were designed for cpus. just make sure you spread a thin layer. if you want a glue make sure you buy the one that says adhesive. a few that you listed are just plain thermal grease
what he said /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif..

I used arctic silver epoxy for my first 10-15 luxs. .(i've lost count actually)... but i bought the arctic alumina for the nano project.. good deal on sale at the shoppe.

I did notice that the silver is not a super strong bond, so it's relatively easy to undo if you need/want to later on. (say upgrading an emitter).
