ArcWhite Cheaper!


Newly Enlightened
Apr 2, 2001
Alabama, USA
I bought an ArcWhite flashlight at WalMart monday for $13.00. I decided to go back today to get one for my mother and my brother. This time they had them for $6.50. I bought a few! I thought I would let others know.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Deuce:
This time they had them for $6.50. I bought a few! I thought I would let others know.

Oh man what a bummer... it's times like this I wish we had a wall-mart around here.
don't you just love those red tag specials? i'd have grabbed a couple more at that price, too bad the led replacement bulb doesn't hang on the peg next to it!
Oh man. I was just there Friday night and even went to look for the ArcWhite. It was marked with $13 sale price but I resisted the temptation. At $6.50 I would have been all over it.
even at $13 it's a good lite, mine was $16 but the ccft tube has a great light output, considering size/price.
Once you got the ArcWhite, put in White Star bulb (4D Cell Maglite Krypton bulb) with a set of rechargeables. You'll be stunned of its perfect focused reflector for this bulb and it out-throw A LOT of every 4AA light I have (Propoly 4AA, Tec 40, UK4AA). Of course, it's a bit yellow compared with xenon bulbs that Propoly and UK4AA use.

This is a great 4AA light especially with White Star bulb not to mention its white bright CCFT. The only thing I don't like is its fragile body and water-avoid desgin. For $6.50, you should grab it (them) and run.

I really wish Tec 40 could use its reflector.

haven't tried the magnum star in the arc-white yet, but the brightness must be awesome! the ledcorp bulb works for me. enough lite for most needs and plenty of battery life.
I got one a Lowe's. They matched the $13 price. At $6.50 I'd buy up all the stock. It's a nice light. Definitely want to treat this one with a little care though.

I don't know if it is possible, but it would be nice if they could form a fluorescent tube into a spiral and mount it like a bulb in a normal reflector. That would put out a nice even light, and be very energy efficient.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by franken:
haven't tried the magnum star in the arc-white yet, but the brightness must be awesome! the ledcorp bulb works for me. enough lite for most needs and plenty of battery life.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't do that Franken. I tried it, it was bad. Magnum Star is not focused well on ArcWhite's reflector. What you will see is big uneven yet magnified filament pattern in the center. You won't like it. I have tried Magnum Star on many lights (non-Mag), none of them work well. I guess it was designed only for focus-adjustable lights like Mag.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by telephony:
Oh man what a bummer... it's times like this I wish we had a wall-mart around here.

Stick around. Soon there will be a Walmart near you. Up in the sticks of Vermont where my parent's live, they stuck a Walmart in a town that had no more then four or five thousand people and that was one of the bigger towns around. Surely Seattle or the burbs near by would get one soon?

BTW, arcwhites are $13 at my local walmart, that $6.50 must be a local special.
No prob on the link.
I had to do a Google search myself before I found Craig's site!

My Wally World still has them at $16. I'll keep checking...
There wasn't any here at mine.
It was a wile back tho cause I got one there. I was going to take couple apart and make new light out of the parts.
Wal-Mart has a bad habit of marking items down in some stores and not others in the same city. Jacksonville, Florida has several and you can go into 8 or so and only one will have the same item on sale while all the rest have the full price on them. I have no idea who says what goes on sale when. One clue if you see a red dot on the price tag that means once they are gone they will NOT restock.

Best Regards,