Argghhhhh!!!!!!!! Pelican!!!!!!!!


Dec 3, 2000
I had both mity and super mity light.
the both, according to pelican, buit to last a life time. but the both crack when i drop them.
only form sholder height.
shouldn't it be toughter than that??
just got my rage and crack my SM.
just my luck.
is the rage toughter??
I've found the Pelican StealthLites to be the toughest flashlights I know.

You should send them back to Pelican for replacement.

nar i think if i do that, the shipment will cost more den the flashlight itself.
thanx anyway
In Switzerland, I threw one of my StealthLites out of a fourth floor window onto a tarmac carpark. I was very drunk as one tends to get on Geology Fieldtrips. I was boast that it was really tough, and it is. It has survived with very little damage. The only way I found it (since I threw my black rather than orange one) in the dark was by the fact lamp was still on and illuminating the snow bank into which it had skidded.

However, I'm less happy with the 2AA and 2AAA Pelican as the Lamps seem to fail too often without much abuse. I don't use them much anyway.

Pelican Products have a life time guarantee.

You could e-mail Pelican and ask if you could mail the light to there center in
(I believe) Spain for exchange.

As a business that sells allot of Pelican
lights and someone who uses Pelican lights himself, I can tell you the lights have
dropped many times without a problem.

If it fell on concrete a certain way, even
thought the "Super MityLite" is made of Xenoy Resin, it will sometimes crack.

If we get five "Super MityLites" returned
in a year for replacement, that's allot!

Remember with a Pelican product, the most important thing with the guarantee is not to
be bitten by a shark, attacked by a bear or
a child under five involved!

Gary Turk
Eppe's Corner

[email protected]