Armytek c2 promax weird charging


Newly Enlightened
Nov 10, 2013
I just got it a week ago.

The second time I went to charge it, it did not want to respond. It would just indicate the battery was full with a solid green light , but I knew it was not, and a voltmeter confirmed it was not, @ 4.02 v.

I tried a different USb source with teh same behavior
My USB meter claimed 5.08v from one USb source and 5.05 from the other, and both charged my A11 smartphone at 1.16 amps.

The flashing amber light was coming on sometimes, when trying to get it to charge, but the USB meter was reading 5.08v.

I started looking at external 21700 chargers, my old nitecore I4v2 does not take 21700s, keeping the light on for about 45 minutes pointed at ceiling, on the 450 lumen setting. I placed tailcap back on turned the tailcap 1/4 turn, and the redlight comes on indicating charging,
Now accepting 1.10 amps

Armytek says nothing in the download, about it preventing charging of a battery that is still reading over 4.0 volts, but that 'seems' to be what occurred.
My new C1 Pro operates like that also. Have to run it on turbo to burn some mah off to get it to top off. Wished it would trickle charge to top off... Design flaw in my book! Tail cap is stiff so don't like taking it off...

Skilhunt H04 mini does that too to some degree. Since you don't have to unscrew the tail cap on that one to charge you can simply turn it on while magnet is attached and it will start charging to top off at higher voltages...
Thanks for the confirmation that I am not alone in this observation.

I had run it on turbo for a bit, after many hours the night before at a comfortable reading level, firefly 2, I think, as well as experimenting with various brightnesses walking my dog, and assumed the battery had to be well below 4v, but I guess the new 5000Mah 21700 is going to take some getting used to, compared to the 4 year old 18650 in my recently failed Olight H2r, may it rest in piece.

I am going to shop for an external 21700 charger, or perhaps modify one slot on my nitecore I4v2 in order to accept a 21700 for the times I really want the full battery capacity available, and it is still above 4.0v when I want to top it off.