I think this market chased lumens, features and gimmicks too long at the behest of white wall hunters and flashoholic fans. Seriously, I have large amount of toys and games made in the late 1970's which are still working, took ten year beatings back then, ressurected and seeing more service for a new generation. When these things broke its because they physically broke, aka dad ran over them with a car accidentally.
Modern manufacturing and ROI principles- Work out time to failure alongside warranty, engineer at least 100% failable part( Rubber coatings on a variety of tactical gear is a classic option as this can be predicted very closely. You can have top level european optics with 30 years warranty but the rubber armour goes in about 8-10 years without fail and is not warrantied) wide variance quality control-aka even if X% items will fail, the good reports on the other 100-x% will keep people buying and hoping they 'got a good one'. and x becomes a larger and larger number..
Sorry for the hijack/ rant, this boils my blood as its a deliberate business practice designed to keep us buying stuff over and over to maintain profits.Not to mention its wiping out the earths resources faster remaking stuff that should last 30 years instead of 3. What's the point of all the cost and hassle of recycling, why not just make ten times less stuff to start with? That's the real crime here .