Attack Of The Pop-Ups Ads !


Oct 14, 2003
For the last few days, I have had an "attack of the of the popup ads" on my computer.

They popup as Internet Explorer ads.

For some unknown reason, they are now able to defeat my AOL in-house popup blocker; my Ad-Aware software; and the Mircosoft Security Download II.

Any suggestions for blocking this new bread of Internet Explorer popup ads?

Please provide the links to any popup ad blocker software you think might be helpful.

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From personal experience:
I installed SP2 sometime before it went on market. Life on my pc: not more than one week, then I de-installed the damn thang.
(mind you, this was the very 1st SP2)

Having worked for a rather large company in Redmond (which shall remain unnamed), I now have this setup:

XP Pro
SP1 only + selected updates
NO IE but something called SlimBrowser
PopupStopper Pro
Norton System Works 2005
Zone Alarm Pro
Lock n' Stop

other assorted goodies, like WindowsWasher, AdAware, SpyBot S&D.

Result: popups, don't know 'em...!
I don't got no stinkin' pop-ups on I.E. You can be sure I got no stinkin' AOL either. The Google toolbar works well but I.E. with SP2 apparently blocks them before Google sees them.

I don't know if it's related but the w32/Sober.p@MM worm has been running wild for the last couple of days. I'm getting several e-mails a day that are apparently generated by this thing, and they are coming in on e-mail addresses I've never gotten spam on before. They've all got attachments that apparently contained the worm, but my e-mail service removes it.

I never heard of Mircosoft Security Download II or even Microsoft Security Download II.
I got a Sober at a free email acct. it "appeared" to be from admin at

also, download and try microsoft's own anti-spyware tool. (free)
My first one allegedly came from but they now come from all over. Most come from .de land.
Looks like you've been infected with spyware. I had the same problem, even when my browser was closed I'd get pop ups on my desktop. Try running this program Webroot Spy Sweeper just make sure you close every program before running it.