Attitude vs ARC LS



Is the Princeton Tec Attitude brighter than the new ARC LS?

Anybody know?
The Attitude is pretty bright, 3 leds vs 1 led on the LS. Maybe Stingmon can answer this........
The Arc-LS blows the Attitude clean out of the water, and then shoots it out the sky so it falls all around you in the form of a fine bluish-white powder with little black flecks in it.

The Arc-LS also handily defeats the Expedition 300, a light with 7 overdriven LEDs in it.
This brings to mind a question that I've been meaning to ask:
If you were to somehow alter the optics of the Luxeon in the LS such that it becomes more of an area/flood light(like the attitude) and less directional as the currently available LS module with optics has (I assume the Arc-LS uses this one), how would they then compare?
Edwood, that is an intersting question. I just realized that all this talk about the LS is with the supplied optics. I always wondered how using more than 1 LS in a flashlight could be possible, but then i remembered that they come without optics too. How would they look without optics?

Also, considering how we can only get 5-9 hours of light out of 1 LS...i'd hate to know how long 2-3 LS's would last.
Don't kid yourselves, the Attitude is darn bright for a led-er.