Atwood FunnyBone Wrench?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
Does anyone have one of these that they have ACTUALLY USED???

It seems most Atwoods are shelf kings and always look untouched.

I like the idea of having a smallish tool that could be used in my EDC bag, but would like to hear what others have to say about how well this tool actually works. Obviously it will not fit in samll spaces, but how well does it hold contact with a bolt/nut?

Any input would be awesome:thumbsup:
Well, I don't have a funnybone, but I do have several Atwrenches. I use them, along with gasbabies, at work on the gas chromatography equipment (lots of compressed gas cylinders, small pipe fittings, etc). The wrench design works great assuming you won't need a ton of torque (not that it slips, you just can't stand to have it jab your hand that hard). The closed end of the design (Atwrench, G3 prybaby, Funnybone) is sometimes a bummer for me because of the nature of my equipment (connecting miles of tiny copper gas lines) and you don't always have complete access to the nuts you'd like. I haven't been able to score one of the open-ended tools (crawdaddy, I think) but would love to one day. Nutshell, they work very well in somewhat llimited applications.
This latest Atwood wrench designs are very cool, but in real world applications , they are not very practical. Don't get me wrong , I'm a total Atwood fan, but having owned a Crawdaddy in the past the tool was problematic to use in closed quarters where most of the nuts and bolts are placed. Its nice to have around for the occasional loose nut in easy/open places, but I bet most of this toosl are bought for collecting. I found myself reaching for the multitool most of the time... :sigh:
I have several Atwoods I use heavily. One of these days I will take pics of my user Atwoods. :)