Aurora ak-P7-3 switch/driver mod help?


I don't know the answer to your question, but I am surprised that the really great modders here neglected to answer your question, especially considering how well you described your problem in detail.

So I'll give your thread a bump and hope you find an answer. I recently ordered this same light and only plan to run it on high. . . .
Yucca Patrol,

Thanks for the bump... A further update on this light... I have now turned it into a DIY kit light (fumbled it from my attic on to the concrete garage floor in -5f temps) the head is now removed and the rest of the light is totally disassembled.

Yucca I would guess that if you haven't already, figure on replacing the tail switch resistor. This light is wicked bright on high. (I only have a maglight to compare to tho)

I am truly a newbie at this and I am still trying to figure out how to mod the light in the most economical way a new tail switch seems obvious but maybe some sort of regulated driver so that the low power setting makes the batteries last longer. oh well I continue to read as much as I can... I'll figure it out somehow...

HI Daniel-O

And welcome to CPF,
I did look at the site and read some reviews
of this light. The tail cap resistor does seem to be a week link here
on this light. I do beleave if you where to post pic's of the driver board in the head of the light and the switch inside of tail with the sizes Someone here could recomend a fix for you.

Maybe a multi mode driver placed onto the regulator as to drive
lower levels or strobe.It should be able to be modded but we need a little more info on what you have now.And a fix to make the switch a single mode with momentiary.

With a little more info I'm shure someone with better modding skills than I
will step up to the plate and get you going in the right direction.

But be warned your wallet will feel a little sting from time to time.
when you see what can be done modding LIGHT'S