AW's Going Regulated ! W00T !


Nov 5, 2005
I suspect not many of you have seen AW's notes about his soon to be released D drivers, and even better, a regulated driver (in 1-2 months). Scant details about it are buried in his C Driver sales thread starting with this post.

Basically, you will tell him the Voltage you want delivered to the bulb for a given application, and he will set it for that to now let you have regulated voltage. The battery source can be up to 30V and his regulated driver will step it down to the optimal bulb voltage.

So if you have a 14.4V battery pack, and you want to drive an 1185 at 10.8V (or 10.9V), his driver will work with that until your batteries either reach their own discharge cutoff (i.e. AW Li-Ion PTC cutoff), or the voltage sags below that specified setting.

This is essentially what AWR's (similar initials, but no connection) Hotdriver has been doing, but AWR's has an added bonus feature of the user being able to adjust the voltage delivered to the bulb with a screwdriver and DMM readings. So, AWR's Hotdriver is more flexible, but they are hard to get.

I am not sure if AW's new regulated version will also have the feature of various settings depending on the number of clicks, but that is a secondary benefit to being able to have a soft starting & regulated driver to get the optimum voltage for your bulbs without insta-flashing them.

The discussion about these drivers does not really belong in that long C driver sales thread, so I thought I would make this post, begging AW's forgiveness....but I cannot contain my excitement at this development.

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Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

There goes the budget again.....hmmmm I have a cut down Mag sitting here. What to build.
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

It's good that you opened a thread about it, LuxLuthor. I'd sure like to see some more discussion about it. I haven't been following the C thread in the Marketplace. You original post is very helpful. Maybe AW will chime in with a little more detail.

You may know the answer to this question. What is the sweet spot for a 5761?
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

It's good that you opened a thread about it, LuxLuthor. I'd sure like to see some more discussion about it. I haven't been following the C thread in the Marketplace. You original post is very helpful. Maybe AW will chime in with a little more detail.

You may know the answer to this question. What is the sweet spot for a 5761?

Good question! I would like to know as well since I have switched from 1185 to 5761. I may have to convert to D bodies now...I love my C bodies:mecry:
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

Northern Lights mentioned in one of his threads regarding the 5761 it may actually output more, I believe, at 6.8v. Hopeful will see more data or consolidated into one thread.

Thanks Lux
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

My understanding for the 5761 is more like 7.1 to 7.2 Vbulb. I have to find the notes, but Northern Lights has sorted this out, as well as the 64430. Worst case, I'll test it with a Hotdriver.
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Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

Are the regulated versions still going to have 'soft start' as well?
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

Although AW has not said so specifically, it would be of little use without a soft I can not imagine he would not include that....and it is modeled after his mag C driver which has soft start and selectable output levels. That last feature is what I'm not sure if he is including with the D Regulated, but I'm guessing it will have that also. Use my link to read his page one features of C driver.
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

Yes, regulated version Mag driver will feature soft start and multi-level ( all level regulated ). Things being considered are auto step down, low battery warning flash.
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

Thought NL mentioned 6.8v for 5761.

"Yes, in this case it is 6.6 volts at the bulb, even though the raters show the batter voltage at 7.2, some new data is beginning to show that the 5761 is best at 6.8. Above that you risk insta flash."

At $6 apeice 5761s I've instantflashed are rememberable. So, Northern Lights NTC solution is welcome, wonderfully simple, effective, and cheap. My favorite three!

NTC on 2xAW C's with 5761 looks as bright to me side by side to one without NTC. That lower vbulb is "better" is counter intitive and indicates original thinking.

No one has posted more in sheer volume, or quality of research on the 5761 than NL so I just take the que and work toward 6.8v
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

Did not intend to get so far off topic in previous post. Look forward to AW's new D Cell version and plan to get at least one.

Have only one HD Hot Driver and dread trying to adjust vbulb to get 6.8v
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

What is the sweet spot for a 5761?

7.10-7.15 volts seems to be the right area provided your willing to give up long total bulb running lifespan.
7.20V with softstart is what I'd look at for a reliable max brightness setting.
The 5761 can instaflash quickly above a constant and steady 7.25 volts.

Your mileage may vary.
I've instaflashed 3 so far and have a few left.
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Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

Any possibility of a version that has only the soft-start? Even better, the option to move a jumper/cut a trace on the pcb to disable the regulation.

I love the bells and whistles, but sometimes you want to use up the lower range of your primaries in an emergency situation without the circuit cutting off.

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Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

I'm pretty sure the concern raised about flashing 5761 at 7.15-7.2V is in large part related to the stress on the bulb at startup spike current that the softstart would address.
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

5761 may work better at 6.8-6.9 Vbulb was refering to some information I got from a person working with some good test equiment, and that refers to bulb life without insta flashing. Off course the hotter the element the brighter the bulb but what may have been indicated to me is that after about 6.9 your eyes do not notice the difference. I will contact the individual again and see where his development went. At that time I was having an expensive episode of insta flashes as was he. I was also wondering if there was a run of bulbs where the manufaturer's tolerances on the filament were leaning to the lower side. These latest ones definately had a different size envelope and would not fit previously bored out reflectors. Remember we are pushing these beyond what they are guaranteed to do so we should see some discrepencies. Also at that time I found that 6.9 volts was not flashing the bulbs. With soft start someone will bite the bullet and see how far up the meter we can push these. I know others have measured Vbulb at 7.1 for a stellar output. I do not think my latest batch of Phillips will take that. I am looking into obtaining a good voltage supply with variable voltage and amp settings. That is the only way to see what really is happening. BobG may have some good input here as he may be the 5761 pioneer.
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !


please, please include a voltage trim pot on it, that would make it perfect IMHO:poke::paypal::paypal::paypal:
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

He already said it will not have an adjusting trim potentiometer like AWR's Hotdriver. While it would be nice, it is not critical, as it just means you use a particular AW driver for a particular bulb.
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

Yes, regulated version Mag driver will feature soft start and multi-level ( all level regulated ). Things being considered are auto step down, low battery warning flash.

Auto step down! Woot! Neat stuff! :thumbsup:
Re: AW's Going Regulated ! WOOT !

He already said it will not have an adjusting trim potentiometer like AWR's Hotdriver. While it would be nice, it is not critical, as it just means you use a particular AW driver for a particular bulb.

lux, if you dont ask you dont get!:)
it would make it a bit easyer to switch around from mag to mag with a trim pot, but it any gona stop me getting one. and to be fair theres prob. less to go wrong!

cant wait...