Bad Experience


May 3, 2002
Minnesota, USA
I recently ordered 3....just 3 LEDs from

TWO 8000 mcd
5mm YELLOW LEDs for $.75 each

and one 18,000 - 36,000 mcd
10mm ORANGE LED for $3.49

Well, when I received my package they shipped me the two yellow ones I ordered and instead of my expensive orange LED they shipped me a dim blue one they sell on their website for $.99. Not only that, but they sent these 3 tiny leds in this HUGE box via UPS with a BIG BULKY cataloge that I did not order.....the shipping charges were over $7.00!!!! FOR THREE LEDS THAT WEIGH ABOUT AS MUCH AS A FEATHER!!! These could have been shipped for around $1.00 in a bubblewrap instead of in a huge box with a cataloge I did not order. So I called them up and said hey I didn't get what I ordered....They told me to send everything back at their expense and they would correct my order....I told the lady on the phone we're talking about a $.99 led here that you want me to ship back to you that is going to cost you 7 dollars in shipping charges. She said that didn't matter their policy is to get their items back before they will send the correct ones. *Sigh* now to really wrap up this story the day I was going to send the LEDs back to get the correct order I asked my dad where the box was that I had left lying on the counter with the leds in it...he threw it away!!!! Soo not only do I not get what i ordered but now I'm out the wrong leds that were sent as well
I always buy directly from Nichia,they have been superb in shipping, but also for the best deal you should order in 100 count lots, its much cheaper that way, just sell the excess to other CPF members.

NSPW500BS-BS1 is the preferred part or just the NSPW500BS, $2.05 each if at 100 order.
Not much difference but the former is graded as the better one.