bad threads on my Regalight


Jul 4, 2007
The threads on my Regalight WT1 V2 seem to be different from what i read in the reviews. They have some play and are not so smooth to turn. It even makes a grinding noise from time to time. Cleaning and loobing the threads didnt fix the problem.

Another thing is that i dropped the light on gravel last week. :oops: I picked it up and the head came loose. I tried to tighten it, but it didnt work. I think you all know the moment when your heart seems to stop for a second when you realize you runed something unfixable. Then i removed the head and reflector and put it back together. It tightened, puuuh.

While i like this light alot for its performance it doesnt give a top quality feeling with grinding threads and coming loose when i drop it.

Anyone noticed something similar or did i have bad luck?
Just cleaned and loobed it again. It got a little better. Maybe it wears in.
I recently acquired a Nitecore DI which had a grindy thread problem. I cleaned the threads multiple times, re lubed and each time the problem was there.

I had a feeling that there had to be some grit actually embeded in the aluminium of the thread groove in the head that would not shift with regular cleaning methods.

So I sharpened a piece of wire to a fine point and bent it at almost a right angle just behind the point. I then used this pick to lightly scour the bottom of the groove in the head, feeling for any rough points where I would use a bit more pressure. I then got some blue-tac and rolled that into the grooves, pressing it well in to remove any loose particles, then tried the head on the body and there was no more grind!

I lubed it and reassembled and it is smooth as you could want.
Mine was a little gritty. I just cleaned and lubed and it's been fine. I love the light and think the quality is great.
I always just take paper towels with alcohol on 'em and press my nail into the threads through the paper towel over and over until it's clean when I'm done.

I then clean up with a q-tip or such to make sure no paper towel threads are left behind. I haven't 'dug' into the threads personally.

I have heard of people using toothbrushes or even light wire brushes, but I haven't needed to do anything like that yet personally.
My WT1 is smooth as a babies bum lol.

You need to clean them with surgical precision to make em smooth.

All my lights have needed to be well cleaned and lubed to get the best from them.