The most beloved bank in the world...the one with a history of doing right by the people...has decide to not let you spend below what you have in your account using your debit card.
I never knew it was any other way. And I don`t see why they would cover a hand written check either.
If you try to use your card with lack of funds there should be a reject fee of $1.00. Same with a written check...$1.00. Same with going into the bank and asking to withdraw $$$ that you don`t have...$1.00.
The most beloved bank in the world...the one with a history of doing right by the people...has decide to not let you spend below what you have in your account using your debit card.
I never knew it was any other way. And I don`t see why they would cover a hand written check either.
If you try to use your card with lack of funds there should be a reject fee of $1.00. Same with a written check...$1.00. Same with going into the bank and asking to withdraw $$$ that you don`t have...$1.00.
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