Barbolight U-09 in action! NICE PIC


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 30, 2001
Pamplona- NA- Spain
Cavediving is probably the most technical exploration-sport activity on earth. Being left in the dark is not an option when you are 300 ft underwater on a karst tube.


Barbolight U-09 MkI and MkII on helmet, Petzl Saxo LEd modified. Underwater you can see a misterious prototype...
Re: Barbolight U-09 in action! PIC

Is it you showed up on that pic. ?
Re: Barbolight U-09 in action! PIC

all the goodluck,
I am waiting summer here....still snows on March..

Re: Barbolight U-09 in action! PIC

Can't really see the light underwater though.
Re: Barbolight U-09 in action! PIC

Wow, nice helmet - 500 lumens of Luxeon power there!
Re: Barbolight U-09 in action! PIC

barbarin, LUV my barbolight U-09 mk1. NICE pic's of Barbolight in action!!!

it's my new desktop background /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Barbolight U-09 in action! PIC

thanks for sharing the link (

more great pictures there /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Barbolight U-09 in action! PIC

Nice pic! Shows the different HA between the new version. Looks like the mark1 fell out of the snap on the helmet!
Re: Barbolight U-09 in action! PIC

That is a nice picture, though it is more of a picture of the Barbolight ready for or just finishing action. With that nice setup how about some pictures of the Barbolight underwater in actual use. I guess a better request would be for underwater beamshots.
Re: Barbolight U-09 in action! PIC

preeeeeeeetty /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drool.gif

500 lumens /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drool.gif
Re: Barbolight U-09 in action! PIC

U-09 is a pretty sweet light!

one set of cells seems like it runs forever. really apreciate low cost of backup set of cells.

Since charging with a Triton, runtime seems longer yet. the ray-o-vac charger was just not peaking out the C cells.