My problem has always been that I kill one battery before another. Today, for example, my KL4 wouldn't light up right, it flickered and sputtered and was generally a pain to deal with. I traded out batteries with my QIII and the KL4 would work, but now the Nuwai was doing that flicker thing. When you push the button it would flicker, but you could stare blankly at the emitter and see nothing. Just for kicks I put it in my E1e, and nothing happened as suspected. It's now running happily in the Splashlight.
I'd guesstimate, although I don't have an Arc LS, that it wouldn't do anything in there either. There's just not enough juice, even for moon mode. I don't believe you'd see anything unless the battery was in something really efficient, like the Splashlight or MilkyCandle. .