Battery question


Nov 4, 2007
ok, so i googled this but it just kinda made me more confused, i understand the difference between batteries in series vs. batteries in parallel (i think)

but i dont get how they are set up (if that makes sense)

the battery packs that people sell here like the 6AA to 2D, 9AA to 3D, etc.
are those 3 parallel in a series of 2 for the 6AA to 2D, and 3AA in parallel in a series of 3 for the 9AA to 3D?

Does that make sense?

my head hurts...

Thanks for listening to my sensless ramblings
It's not something you can Google very easily as it's a very customized thing that you will mostly find here and not so much anywhere else.

The 6AA to 2D adapters are usually 6AA in series, giving six times the voltage of one AA and three times the voltage of the original two D's. It means you have to change the bulb for one designed for the higher voltage or it will instaflash.

When you allow for all the resistances in a Maglite and the ability to run some bulbs at a higher voltage than they were designed for, you can usually run a 6V bulb on a 6AA setup and a 9V bulb on a 9AA setup.

In general putting batteries in series gives more power and brighter lights as there is less current and lower resistance losses with higher bulb voltages.