BatteryStation Lithium AA cells


Jan 19, 2003
Bellingham WA
Battery Station has recently introduced a Lithium AA cell. It is rated at 2900 mAh and in testing at 0.5 amps, I got 2873 mAh. At 1.0 amps they were good for 2802 mAh. These results are based on two tests at each current draw.

David Campen donated the cells for me to test. Thanks David.

I have added the test results to the "Alkaline Battery Shoot Out" thread, about half way down where I compared the Energizer Lithium AA cells to Alkaline cells. It is an interesting graph.

Kevin is having a special on these cells (20 for $20), which makes them a lot cheaper than the Energizer cells.

My test cells performed very well. Has anyone else tried these and how did you find their performance?


Just mentioned your name and I got a discount or was it just because I was a CPF'r?? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif

I see that you got your own "stickies" now! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif
Tom, a few questions from a battery newbie. According to Battery Station, these put out about 1.7 volts. Would nine of these blow an 1185? An additional question: using the standard 3AA to D holders, can you just leave one out and have the thing continue to put out?
I sincerely hope so! (Of course that would mean they are really excellent in high draw applications. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif )

Hello David,

I am not sure what the current draw of the 1185 is. If you check the graphs in the first post of the "Alkaline Battery Shoot Out" thread, you will find that the Battery Station cells quickly drop to 1.2+ volts and holds that during the 1.0 amp discharge.

I am going to get some of these for my own use, and will check them at higher current draws.

I don't think you can just leave a cell out of those holders. You have to fill the empty slot with a dummy cell.
