Be honest: How disappointed were you with your first LEP?


Jul 21, 2024
Midwest, USA
So, I got my first LEP, a Lumintop Thor3.

Don't get me wrong, this does EXACTLY what it advertised. It has absolutely insane throw...for the couple of feet of light, haha.

All things considered, I was way more impressed with the SFT70 Convoy Z1 Zoomie I had, and the Surefire EDC1-DFT. Do they have as much throw? Of course not. The Thor3 dominates them...BUT, the Thor3 is really just a one trick pony, while the others are still flashlights. LEP's have come way down (That's why I got one), but they're not cheap, either.

I get the impression that, while being neat, a lot of buyers are actually a bit disappointed.

I'm sure people poke around in here, looking at LEP's hitting under $100, thinking, "Boy, maybe it's NOW worth it."
I don't think so.
If you just want to go "wow," get a Convoy thrower or zoomie for $25-50. If you want a nice thrower, the Surefire EDC1 and EDC2-DFT are really impressive.
If you've got some money to burn (I have a monthly "whatever budget"), is it the worst light to get? Maybe. Hahaha.

So, feel free to share you secret shame (and save some others some money - we know they're not really missing out), or take this as some kind of bizarre personal attack (because your identity is now built around owning an LEP) - and just lose your mind in rage below. Either, or, haha.
Disappointed?? I frickin' love my Lumintop Thor 3.
Does everything I expected of it. :party:

Perhaps you ended up with a defective one.
Does everything I expected of it. :party:
I won't disagree there. I guess, after having some high throw flashlights, the "magic" might just not be there, anymore, for candela monsters.

I turn it on, and go, "Oh, that's kind of neat." There just wasn't the "wow" factor, like my first throwy LED lights, even though it throws farther.
I think the lack of real spill, for me, makes it kind of underwhelming. Being able to see something far is kind of neat, but you can kind of see one thing, so that's less neat, haha. With my EDC1-DFT, I can light up something over 300 yards away, AND light up the street. This lights things up soooo far away, but just looks hilariously sad up close, haha. Maybe it's just because I tend to be a pretty practical person, and weight that heavier than I thought.

I guess I'm looking at this from the perspective, "If you can try an LEP, go for it, but it's not worth buying one."
But, I think owning a throwy flashlight is a good idea.

I get the impression I'm not alone in the underwhelmed category, as LEP topics and subforums tend to be ghost towns, yet threads for lights much more expensive lights are happening places, haha.

On the upside, I'm sure the kids in the family are going to find it neat over the holidays, haha.
Ah! If you want extreme throw with a practical amount of side-spill too.... JETBeam M64.
(I love that one too.)
"Be honest..."
Never on CPF;-)

Based on the photos I've seen, they're 'novel', but not something I have a use for.

A .50BMG Barrett is a neat rifle too, but I have no use for one of those either.

I've learned I'm not a part of every 'market' segment, nor should I feel the need to be.

That said, I hope people have fun playing with them!
Disappointed? Are you kidding me? I love my Fenix TK30 LEP!

...I liked it so much, I bought 3 more, trying to duct tape them all together.


I didn't buy any of them new. All were either outlet or returned units. Though all of them came to me as new, with everything included in the original packaging.

Added a picture. It's jank, but it works. But I really want a 3D-printer now. A simple cross-bracket and I could easily mount all 4 as a single unit.
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If someone knows what an LEP actually is, there is no disappointment.

Weltool owner here--------------(y)
"Be honest..."
Never on CPF;-)

Based on the photos I've seen, they're 'novel', but not something I have a use for.

A .50BMG Barrett is a neat rifle too, but I have no use for one of those either.

I've learned I'm not a part of every 'market' segment, nor should I feel the need to be.

That said, I hope people have fun playing with them!
That reminds me of this time I was shooting with an acquantence through work. I had sensible caliber handguns, and this guy ONLY had one gun, cause he spent a mint to get a .44 Magnum revolver and some ammo, and at the time we were shooting, each shot was costing him like well over 10X the cost cheaper calibers had been (this was back when 9x19 was somewhere in the teens per cent per round).

My brother and I tried a few shots...and just noped out of it. Was it fun? Kind of. It was awful on the hands, super loud, and just so expensive. I'd "traded rounds" of equal cost to the guy, who got to shoot some of my cheaper caliber handguns, and when he finished he told us he completely regretted buying his memegun, and wished he'd just bought something useful, haha. We thanked him for letting us try it. To this day, I've never bought any of the high recoil guns of any kind, because of that experience. Plinking .38 in a .357 revolver, blasting through mags of .22LR, or just shooting a "boring" 9mm is so much more enjoyable...and affordable. When that guy traded me a cylinder of maybe 5 or 6 rounds for his gun, and I gave him a pile of rounds in equivalent cost, he just had this absolutely crushed soul look on his face.

I'd completely forgot about that until you mentioned the .50 BMG, haha. I should have trusted my instincts and experience on memes, haha.

Disappointed? Are you kidding me? I love my Fenix TK30 LEP!

...I liked it so much, I bought 3 more, trying to duct tape them all together.

I didn't buy any of them new. All were either outlet or returned units. Though all of them came to me as new, with everything included in the original packaging.
Yeah, that's my saving grace. I got the Thor3 for under $90 shipped and taxed by stacking some Ali coupons. Was that the most money I've ever wasted? No. Was it a huge amount of money? No. Am I going to be upset forever? No. Do I think they're worth the cost premium over a throwy LED? No (unless you're using it with a scope on a rifle).

Was I surprised at how weird and underwhelming it is in person? Yup.

While the "lightsaber" or "spotlight" effect is kind of fun, you can't really see it way high up in the sky, per se, so it doesn't look much different than any bright light with a narrow beam.

Can I light stuff up like radio towers? Sure, but I have other lights that can do that, too. The LEP does it from further away, but then I actually need my binoculars to notice that.

If anything, I think I do have a more positive takeaway. I'd seen a LOT of people online mentioning LEPs are kind of unimpressive, so I fell for "go big or go home," and figured over 1.5 million Candela would "wow" me.

In retrospect, I think getting one of the less powerful, but more compact ones would be more fun. I think that's why the Surefire EDC1-DFT is so fun; it's not really that big. The small LEPs seem about as powerful, but if they were more compact, that could be a little more fun. Plus, their throw is more in line with the limitations of human sight. Lighting up things you can't really make out isn't as fun as lighting up stuff you can clearly discern.

So, maybe it's better for people in the fence to wait for the small ones to get closer to maybe $50. For me, that's my USUAL threshhold for Chinese lights, as the quality tends to not really increase with the price for their lights, since they seem to be charging the premium of "technology" or whatever, haha.

I think US brands have kind of spoiled me in terms of build quality expectations. While the Surefire EDC1-DFT is over twice as much as a Thor3, the Surefire feels about 5X nicer in the hand.

I wonder how much THAT is actually part of my underwelmed experience. I think mediocre build quality is why both Armytek and Zebralight were underwhelming for me, too. For their more premium cost, they're still clearly Chinesium, albeit nicer Chinesium (I'd lump Lumens Factory into this category, too). Meanwhile, a $70 SS Peak Eiger or $100 Malkoff MDC AA just "wows" the moment you get it in your hand. You're clearly paying more for better materials and machining.

LEPs at this point seem like the cost is mostly for the emitters (I think the cheaper, smaller ones are still about $60 bare), and then they just kind of slap them into a more standard body, so you end up paying a plus price for a typical quality item.

That seems like another take-away; if you're not someone who generally pays the "early adopter" premium to try something early in development, I think LEPs are still in the "wait" category.

I think my intention with this thread was to just provide some deeper context to anyone who was like me, and had been reading a lot of opinions. I think, due to the cost, there's a bit of a opinion reporting bias in that you tend to MOSTLY hear from people who love theirs, but I have an inkling there are people out there like me; we bought one, and weren't really impressed. I just imagine most people aren't going to start a topic of, "So, I totally wasted some money." In many corners of the internet, such a statement is almost a guarantee of harassment and angry messages, but I think CPF is generally a more mature and chill crowd. We haven't had anyone flipping their stuff, yet, so I think that's a good sign, haha.

Then again, I don't spend a lot of time just staring at beams, so maybe that's the issue. I know many people simply enjoy seeing a beam of light, and if that's your cup of tea, I think the LEP is, by far, the most visible stream of light you can get. That's maybe the neatest part for me (and that it does still kind of work in the middle of the day, hahaha).

If someone knows what an LEP actually is, there is no disappointment.

Weltool owner here--------------(y)
I'd disagree.

I hadn't posted my morning "slept on it" thoughts yet before you'd commented, but as I was just laying out, I think the disappointment also stems from the fact that the cost is mostly a technology premium, so the product quality is not really commensurate with the price. It's a somewhat expensive emitter placed into a Chinese body. While I would put Weltool in the upper levels of Chinese manufacturing, their products are still very much Chinese feeling, so I don't find them to be a great value (as they're priced fairly high for Chinese lights).

Plus, I think it's hard to truly know what something is without first hand experience. I think people understand the idea, but because it's a lot different than most flashlights (Zoomies behave most similarly, but seem to be unpopular), the actual effect in person is still interesting, and I think few people have the opportunity to try one without buying one.

Photos and videos give you an idea, but are always going to be approximations of reality.

In many regards, LEPs are really "what you see is what you get," and they do seem a bit useless and unimpressive, but due to the price premium, I think people assume there must be a pretty good Delta between the real experience and the digital approximations they see in photos and videos. Plus, people tend to not specifically say, "Yeah, no, there's really no Delta, there." So, that was my intention, here.

"Yeah, they're exactly as neat and underwhelming as they look." That's probably a good data point for someone on the fence. I assume most of use spend a lot of time looking for opinions on things before we buy them, and I just noticed there's very little discussion of LEPs outside of, "gee whiz" pictures and videos around the internet, and I think people come to CPF for a more nuanced and in-depth understanding of a product or topic.

But, that all being said, if someone sees the pictures and videos, and that seems AMAZING, they WILL probably be excited. I think I'd been spoiled by some very throwy LED lights, so the initial "all the candela" experience wasn't part of my LEP experience.
Yeah, that's my saving grace. I got the Thor3 for under $90 shipped and taxed by stacking some Ali coupons. Was that the most money I've ever wasted? No. Was it a huge amount of money? No. Am I going to be upset forever? No. Do I think they're worth the cost premium over a throwy LED? No (unless you're using it with a scope on a rifle).

Was I surprised at how weird and underwhelming it is in person? Yup.

While the "lightsaber" or "spotlight" effect is kind of fun, you can't really see it way high up in the sky, per se, so it doesn't look much different than any bright light with a narrow beam.

Can I light stuff up like radio towers? Sure, but I have other lights that can do that, too. The LEP does it from further away, but then I actually need my binoculars to notice that.
That was actually my opinion too, even before I bought one. I had read several reviews and seen many beam shots (of various quality and in various weather conditions), so I knew what I was getting.
...I also only got one - and later three more - due to the ~40 % discount. No one should buy a LEP-light at retail price you know you want one, or more likely, you know you need one.

The throw of a LEP-light is only useful when accompanied by a second person with binoculars, or you have some sort of tripod mount for both the light and binoculars. In my humble opinion, you get a LEP for one of 2 reasons:
1 - you're doing real search and rescue, and you need the range without any distracting spill of a typical search light (Fenix LR80R etc.).
2 - you get one for the bragging rights and any prestige in owning one, and / or for the sheer glee you get from simply being able to shine a light on a mountain...from another mountain.

I am firmly in the latter category. I have already tried taking my TK30 on a late-night walk, and all it did was give me a headache from the beam dancing in front of me like an insect when holding it in my hand. And at the range where that wasn't an issue, the beam was too far ahead of my feet to actually be useful to track any potential obstacles in front of me (potholes, rocks, snow drifts etc.).

So for a casual user, a LEP-light is brought along as a secondary "fun" light. Any real usability from a casual user's perspective (i.e. me) is non-existent.
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That was actually my opinion too, even before I bought one. I had read several reviews and seen many beam shots (of various quality and in various weather conditions), so I knew what I was getting.
...I also only got one - and later three more - due to the ~40 % discount. No one should buy a LEP-light at retail price you know you want one, or more likely, you know you need one.

The throw of a LEP-light is only useful when accompanied by a second person with binoculars, or you have some sort of tripod mount for both the light and binoculars. In my humble opinion, you get a LEP for 2 reasons:
1. - you're doing real search and rescue, and you need the range without any distracting spill of a typical search light (Fenix LR80R etc.).
2. - you get one for the bragging rights and any prestige in owning one, and / or for the sheer glee you get from simply being able to shine a light on a mountain...from another mountain.

I am firmly in the latter category. I have already tried taking my TK30 on a late-night walk, and all it did was give me a headache from the beam dancing in front of me like an insect when holding it in my hand. And at the range where that wasn't an issue, the beam was too far ahead of my feet to actually be useful to track any potential obstacles in front of me (potholes, rocks, snow drifts etc.).

So for a casual user, a LEP-light is brought along as a secondary "fun" light. Any real usability from a casual user's perspective (i.e. me) is non-existent.
That's a very fair assessment. I think most people fall into category #2, haha.

As some warmer weather passes through, I might throw it in a pocket and go on a walk with it as a secondary light. I do have a monocular, so maybe it will be fun to use with that, haha (I think that'll be easier than using it with my binoculars).

Ironically, if I see a deal, I might still consider getting a 14500 LEP down the road, so I can more easily pocket that. I also half wonder if a zoomie format (kind of running in reverse) would make an LEP something more useful.
No offense, but your old co-worker with the .44 Magnum had way the wrong mentality. He likely figured he'd pay through the nose, once. It would hurt, but after that; he'd be set. Didn't do his homework. Screwed up, and deeply regrets it. Yeah, he'd have been better off with a smaller, shorter .38 Special. Load it up with cheap standard velocity ammo at the range. Maybe take up handloading to save a massive chunk of money on ammo. (No, you don't even need a reloading press mounted to a sturdy table in a dedicated room or part of the garage. Heck, you don't even need a hand-held press.) Load it up with +P factory rounds for defensive purposes.

You don't get a .44 Mag. hand-canon for practicality or Fun Time at the range. You get one just for the sheer pleasure of owning it. For knowing that you own it. If Life completely fell into a giant garbage shredder, you could blast your way out of it! (Or, something like that.) They're over-priced. So is the ammo. But you don't care. You just want it because owning it makes you smile. For practicality, you've got other guns. And if you don't.... don't buy a .44 Mag. as your only gun.
Some very good posts in this thread which sum up my thoughts / suspicions better than I could.

After sleeping on it, I'll go this far: When I buy a Barrett, I might try mounting an LEP on it if I anticipated service in very low light. I think those (few) who have reported favorable results using them together with a scoped rifle sound reasonable(?). It might however require an adjustable mount to achieve convergence w/ the scope on the target, particularly given the effective range of the .50 BMG Barrett. I've never felt the recoil of that rifle, but it might need to be of higher quality than most of those commonly being sold at this point to be reliable.
Some very good posts in this thread which sum up my thoughts / suspicions better than I could.

After sleeping on it, I'll go this far: When I buy a Barrett, I might try mounting an LEP on it if I anticipated service in very low light. I think those (few) who have reported favorable results using them together with a scoped rifle sound reasonable(?). It might however require an adjustable mount to achieve convergence w/ the scope on the target, particularly given the effective range of the .50 BMG Barrett. I've never felt the recoil of that rifle, but it might need to be of higher quality than most of those commonly being sold at this point to be reliable.
It sounds more like mission impossible to me. Shooting at a long distance you practically aim a rifle to the sky (external ballistics). Light mounts keep a flashlight parallel to the bore, so the light beam goes there as well. If the hotspot manages to cover the target — then OK. But will it?
It sounds more like mission impossible to me. Shooting at a long distance you practically aim a rifle to the sky (external ballistics). Light mounts keep a flashlight parallel to the bore, so the light beam goes there as well. If the hotspot manages to cover the target — then OK. But will it?
Yeah, I think it'd work for a spotter with a spotting scope, but you'd need a very, very flat shooting round, and that's not going to stay flat as far out as an LEP goes...
Having a .44 magnum revolver near at hand in big bear country is probably the minimum one should consider. Is there a parallel for LEP?
A spotter using it for long range hunting? Are people actually doing that?
Well I'll admit I was pretty disappointed by my LEP. I mean yes it can put a 10-12 inch spot on a target 1000 yards away but in actual use, it pretty much is useless. Still it's a pretty cool toy.
Well I'll admit I was pretty disappointed by my LEP. I mean yes it can put a 10-12 inch spot on a target 1000 yards away but in actual use, it pretty much is useless. Still it's a pretty cool toy.
Don't tell the others, but that's pretty much what all of them really are. :sssh:
Well I'll admit I was pretty disappointed by my LEP. I mean yes it can put a 10-12 inch spot on a target 1000 yards away but in actual use, it pretty much is useless. Still it's a pretty cool toy.
So, here's an interesting question for you:

What's your thoughts on your LED throwers?

Even though they light stuff up WAY less far away, they just seem more impressive.

Lighting up 20 feet at 300 yards, for whatever reason, is just cooler than lighting up 20 feet at 600 yards.
I swear, it's just because at the extreme distances, human eyes just can't really see what they're looking at.