I am surprised to see how much of a personal preference this actually is.
I want floodies. Different emitter, different tint, different colour temperature etc., sure. But I don't need really anything that can illuminate past, say, 50 meters. I almost only use my lights for late night walks or close-up inspections or work. Which means I both want and need an even, preferably hCRI light over a wide area.
Being able to just throw a tight beam far up in the sky or over the hills and far away is fun, but it's not something I need other than as a novelty item.
It's really good fun doing that at times, but still...it's only a fun feature.
A very good friend of mine is completely the other way. He want throw. The further, the better. I bought a Fenix LR80R for him earlier this year, and he absolutely loves it.
When it comes to throw vs spill, I think it's just down to personal preference and usecase.
Flashlight vs headlamp, cats vs dogs, panpakes vs waffles - it's always going to be
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