Be Prepared - Carrying Flashlights.....



How many of you out there actually carry a flashlight with you/available all/most of the time?

Considering that having a flashlight available could be very useful - possibly lifesaving, I was just wondering.

Personally, I always have at least a Photon Micro Light III and a 2AAA Mini-Maglite on

They go everywhere with me and I use them constantly.

I also have a Mag Solitare on my keychain and I carry a Photon Micro Light II that I carry on a neckchain with my work ID badge.

I carry a 3D Maglite in my vehicle. For camping etc, I carry a 2AA MagLite in a beltpouch with extra batteries.

Course I have lots of others. I have taken to carrying a Princeton TEC Attitude in my coat pocket, brief case or pack - for the long run time.

Hey Ranger...I carry a flashlight ALL THE TIME. You never know when it can come usefull OR lifesaving - so you are correct at that.

Ever since joining this discussion board, i've started to appreciate the flashlight for more than what it was worth. At first i saw a flashlight as only a tool for illuminating things in the dark - but now it's more. I just realized that many use their surefire lights as a life saving aid and even as a weapon! I've learned of LED lights on this very board and their MANY uses. I didn't know that they've been used in traffic lights and large TV displays.

But to answer your question, my Surefire E2 is stuck on me like another limb, like another arm or leg. I carry mine when i go to bed, and when i wake up to go to class. People think i'm wierd when they discover a small flashlight in my pocket at school, but they come to appreciate it when they need a light. On camping trips and any group related night activities, i'm always known as the wierd guy that brings along 3 different flashlights and a splotlight on his body. But when the lights go out, or when scary stories hit ones nerve, or when we hear something in the bushes....i'm the one people start clinging to - EVEN THE LADIES *wink* *wink*
I always carry a photon 2 on my keys. Although I'm a flashaholic I think carrying a lot of lights is overkill. If I were going camping or somewhere a flashlight could be critical I will bring more. The attitude is my favorite general use light. Long run time, common batteries, and bright enough for just about any task. It works great around the house since you don't need to see things at a long distance. I find myself using the p2 the most. I keep it on my keys by my bed since thats where I always leave them when I'm home. Sometimes when i take a walk down the block to my grandparents house I use the attitude or another led light(even though i can see just fine most the way without any kind of light). I like them for this purpose since they dont draw a lot of attention to me and if I accidentally shine it on a house people won't come out and chase me with machine guns. A infinity is also a very good backup light to keep around the home for family use. I'm surprised there aren't more led lights in stores than incandesents. But when I need a nice bright light I have my tec 40. I'm getting a surge for christmas but did sneak it out of the packaging and try it out. This light is amazing, extremly bright and will make any led flashlight look like a cheap nite light. I like the idea of it taking aa batteries. I always wanted a surefire but they are pricey and most of them take 123 cells. I think the best combination is a reliable led flashlight and a super bright incandesent. However for the nonflashaholic community I think a attitude or infinity would be more useful for them around the home than a cheap 5 dollar incandesent.
An Inova white microlight and red PHoton II is always on my keychain. A Princeton Tec Pulsar is either around my neck or in my backpack. My Infinity is usually in my backpack, with a spare AA. If I don't have the Pulsar around my neck, an ASP Sappphire or Mirage is attached to a belt loop. Lately, I've been carrying my Mini-Maglite AA with a red LED. If I know i'm going somewhere I'll need a serious flashlight, I'll bring my Princeton Tec Tec 20 or Tec 40, or alternately, My 2D Maglite.

Joe S.
You know that "naked" feeling that you get whenever you don't have any clothes on? If you're like me, and I know I am, I feel that way when I don't have a flashlight with me.

Most of the time, it's my EternaLight Ergo-Marine, although sometimes I carry a Cateye 2.4W HL-500II with me instead. I always have my 3-D Mag in the car, as well a Brinkmann Maxstar 6V lantern. I'm never at a loss for a light whenever one is needed.

Sure, most of the time my Ergo-Marine elicits a "what IS that thing?" response, but when the power is out they quickly bow down before me. There's also no telling how many times I've stopped to help someone fumbling with a flat tire by the light of some flimsy, flickery, orangey-glowing 2-D flashlight, and I "save the day" by producing my Mag light.

I highly recommend everybody carries at least one flashlight with them as religiously as they would their wallet, keys, or cell-phone.
My E2 is on me almost 24/7
i had it just by my bed at night.
i even sleep with it in my pocket when camping.
My P2 is hang on my nokia 8210, so it is another light that stays with me.
I feel alright with just this 2, but sometime the rage is in my backpack.
My frenz thinks i am nuts carrying a flashlight in my pocket at all times.
SureFire E2 for main carry. I carry it nearly 24/7 in the winter months but less during the summer. I will probably buy the ARC LS for a nearly always carry as well.

You never know when you might need a light. Recently the gym I go to had a power failure just as I was leaving and the woman's locker room was pitch black.

...always ready to help with that E2!
I carry a Photon2 on the keyring and always have the E2 either on my belt or in a coat pocket (depending on the type of work I am doing)

I have the Ultrastinger, regular stinger and SL20 in the truck. I work maintenance and sometimes need extra lighting. The wifes car has a G2 and Surge...

Oh, yes. She also has a photon 2 on her keychain.
Personally, I have my mag solitaire white LED converstion on my keys in my left pocket, a Tec20 also in my left pocket, in my right pocket goes my ignition key (on a valet parking thing, cannot lock keys in car if the only thing I take out of my pocket is the ignition, gosh I love the remote), my little buck knife (yep, even at school, started that this year), and the Legend LX in the right pocket. Yep, that is every day, I carry that Legend LX. Unfortunatly, as a highschool student, I cannot afford a SMALL flashlight such as the E2, though I may get one if i can ever find a used one for $20-30 (yeah, in my dreams :( ) In my car I have my Energizer ArcWhite, a 4 D-cell mag, and a 2 cell dorcy type (not sure if it IS dorcy, but looks like their lights). I also have a red and orange LED conversion by my bed on my nightstand, and of them in my bed. I sleep with my legend lx, usually starts in the hand, and by the time I am alseep it ends up under the pillow. I may go pick up some Princeton Tec pulsars, Bass Pro has them on sale for $6 right now. One would then go on my ignition key, and the other (if I get two) would probably go on my knife for those occasions (rare, even if my car is nowhere around) that I don't take my keys.


*smacks forehead in realization* all this at 17, what is gonna happen when I am an adult.

Doing my part of the bandwidth problem by not including smilies.

Making up for that by a post that is way too long :(
4 essentials 4me are light knife watch wallet and in that order .knife even goes to school. i figure to timbucktu with those rules a knife is an essencial tool not a murder weapon. the green arc is a constant around my person a few other lights are picked acording to my mood. i never cary incandesant
I carry my Arc-LE on a piece of nylon string around my neck. During the day, I's under my shirt; at night, it's in my top shirt pocket, still on it's 'lanyard'. It's handy there, and won't get lost.

I carry a Underwater Kinetics 2L light in my pants pocket. This tends to be my real 'workhorse' light. It puts out about the same amount of light a a Maglite 3D, in a very small package.

Now that the days are so short, I carry a SureFire 6P on my belt in a SureFire holster, for when I need more light.

I have an Underwater Kinetics 2AAA on my keychain, but it gets little use, since I got my first Arc-AAA.

I carry an extra AAA cell or two; my pager uses them, too. I figure the day will come when I'll have to take the battery out of my pager, because I need it in my ArcLight. Hey, I've got my priorities!
I always have my Asp Taclite and my Inova x5 on my belt, and a Photon 2 on my key ring. The Taclite holster holds 2 spare 123A lithiums (which also work in the Inova). In addition I often carry the ARC AAA LE in a miniature holster that also holds a spare AAA battery. Depending on circumstances I may also carry a UK 2-L (also 123A lithiums),
a Surge, and/or a Trek 1400.

I live in a big city and friends and colleagues often joke about my flashlights, but ever since September 11, those lights are as essential to me as my clothes. What if the people with Mayor Guiliani hadn't had flashlights when they were trapped in that basement, not knowing if they would ever get out? And that was in daytime. I also have given my girlfriend a Photon and an Arc AAA plus a UK 2L and made her promise to always have them with her. She only does it to humor me, but recently has admitted that the Photon has come in handy on a few occasions.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Alaric Darconville:
You know that "naked" feeling that you get whenever you don't have any clothes on? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How strage is that? *I* get that naked feeling when I have no clothes on too! Thought I was the only one.

Mostly I feel naked when I don't have my cell phone with me. For me, it's the most important safety tool. Followed closely by some sort of multi-tool (I have a large collection, so what I carry changes with my mood and needs), followed closely by a light source. Mine is currently an Arc AAA. The problem is, I HATE carrying things in my pocket. I don't carry keys (car and house don't use them), I only carry my wallet when I go out (and often I even forget that) - so I'm constantly on the look out for the lightest products, and a clip-on holster to carry it all. I made my own phone holster, but now I'm looking to Nite Ize who will be making a smaller phone holster that should carry an AAA light and possibly a multi-tool. Can't wait.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
<SNIP> so I'm constantly on the look out for the lightest products, and a clip-on holster to carry it all. I made my own phone holster, but now I'm looking to Nite Ize who will be making a smaller phone holster that should carry an AAA light and possibly a multi-tool. Can't wait.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Have you checked they make a wide variety of clip on tool holsters.

I personally keep a white P3 on my keychain, and if I'm at work, or am out at night, I carry my E2 clipped in my pocket.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by brightnorm:
I always have my Asp Taclite and my Inova x5 on my belt, and a Photon 2 on my key ring. The Taclite holster holds 2 spare 123A lithiums (which also work in the Inova). In addition I often carry the ARC AAA LE in a miniature holster that also holds a spare AAA battery. Depending on circumstances I may also carry a UK 2-L (also 123A lithiums),
a Surge, and/or a Trek 1400.

I live in a big city and friends and colleagues often joke about my flashlights, but ever since September 11, those lights are as essential to me as my clothes. What if the people with Mayor Guiliani hadn't had flashlights when they were trapped in that basement, not knowing if they would ever get out? And that was in daytime. I also have given my girlfriend a Photon and an Arc AAA plus a UK 2L and made her promise to always have them with her. She only does it to humor me, but recently has admitted that the Photon has come in handy on a few occasions.


Could you tell me where to buy your holsters for the ASP Taclite and Arc AAA with room for spare batteries. Thanks.

i carry my batonlite because of its duel purpose, and if i'm wearing a jacket i put my legend lx in my jacket pocket.
Always with me: E2 or E1. Sometimes both. Sometimes E2e, E2 and E1
Keychain: PT Blast. Backup keychain: ARC LE

My main set of keys has the PT Blast. I used the clip on the light to hold them on my belt. They've only fallen off once. I now secure them in my change pocket when I think I'll be moving around alot. And if I need the keys or Micra or Ladybug or Blast, all I do is tug the light off my belt and I have whatever I need instantly.
I always have a set of keys with me so depending on what I'm driving, I have an Arc AAA or a Photon II. When I'm not working I usually carry a fanny pack that I keep an E1 in.