BEAMSHOTS - UV miniHID and UV Mag85


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2004
Las Vegas
Posted in 'General' is how I spent the $40 to make the slip in filter to more or less make a flashlight into an ultra-violet flashlight. Here are some beamshots to compare with an Inova X5T UV 395nm. Link to thread here.


The hotspot is about 6 inches with the miniHID and Mag85. The lights are all about 2 feet away except for the money and credit card which is closer (didn't have to be).

Just to state it, this is not my own home. I had to go to a friends house who I felt had the test matter I needed. I was right.
The Mag85 does also but it also makes everything else that isn't florescing a red shade. The miniHID UV is definitly the best of the bunch, followed by the Mag85 UV. The Inova is nice and lights up a larger spot but I don't like all that purple when I only want certain things to 'shine'. And the Inova doesn't floresce a $100 bill. The strip is different from the other bills.

In the middle of the night with either miniHID or Mag85 set on flood...AWESOME! Yes, it flouresces the whole floor in a room. Make sure its almost pitch black and flood this baby.

I'm happy with the filter now. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/clap.gif Too dim for me to take some cool pictures. I suck with a camera. Now I have to go do some cleaning... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Thanks for posting your mod!!! I got the filter you recommended and it's pretty cool. The very small amount of visible light really enhances the flourescence.
I found some stains on the spash panel behind the stove that must be 10 years old. Not "cleanable", so it must be some alteration of the coating on the wallpaper. (Looks like a spaghetti sauce related tragedy, or something else acidic.)

Glad to see something I came up with work for a fellow CPF member. Best way to use it is to flood it right before the point where a donut hole forms.

I was able to find different type paint under the normal coat in my house. Those lazy painters used my wall to clean their brushes. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
I don't shine it in my house anymore because I'm tired of cleaning all the time! I do, however, take it to my friends homes to show them what they walk or lay around on. Im such a stinker! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif